Women strengthen their bond in nature at Jineology Camp

Young women joining the Jineology Camp held in Shehba discussed many subjects such as ecology, sociology, culture and art while learning how they can strengthen their bond in nature. During their free time, they planted flowers and sang songs.


Shehba – Jineology, the science of women, has been discussed since 2011. In 2015, the Jineology Academy decided to spread this science after holding its first Conference. Since then, they have held seminars, conferences, workshops and camps in many countries. They have founded research centers to develop alternative policies, and to carry out works on women's existence, nature, politics, economy and literature.

The bond between women all around the world and Jineology strengthens

Jineology committees have carried out many works through workshops, Jineology Magazine, which has been published since 2016, Jineology Research Centers in many cities such as Jineology Center opened in Belgium in 2018. Rojava University also opened the Faculty of Jineology in 2017. Jineology Magazine has played an important role in building Jinwar village (women’s village) in Rojava. In 2019, Andrea Wolf Institute was founded in order to strengthen the bond between Jineology and women all around the world, especially in Europe, Latin America and Asia.

Young women at Jineology Camp

Young women, who were forcibly displaced from Afrin, came together at the Jineology Camp held in Shehba and they discussed many subjects such as ecology, sociology, culture and art while learning how they can strengthen their bond in nature. In the morning, the young women first took a walk. After the walk, they went to the botanical garden of the camp to learn how they can plant and grow vegetables.  The topic that young women mostly discussed was “the role of young women in society and young women's ability to mobilize society”.

For a healthier society…

Zuhriban Husein, a member of Jineology Academy, spoke to us about the activities of the camp. “As Jineology Academy and the young women's movement, we believe that we can build a healthier society through science and women's science. The 10-day camp was very productive for women.”

“Discussions opened up our horizon”

Zuhriban Husein underlined that not only scientific discussions were carried out at the camp but also discussions on many subjects. Such a camp was first held in Shehba, “We also tried to create a space for young women to pour out their feelings. The cultural and artistic activities and discussions opened up the young women’s horizons.”

The young women discussed for four hours a day, “The women also learned how to be engaged in farming. We showed them which fertilizer they should use for which plant. We will share what kinds of activities we carried out at the camp on social media soon,” Zuhriban Husein told us.

After the discussions, the young women cared for flowers they had planted in the garden while singing songs and playing musical instruments.