She lives at foot of Andok, far from city life

Sebırya İlbey built a two-story house at the foot of Mount Andok 15 years ago and she has spent her summer there since then. She produces whatever she needs from nature. Sebırya uses solar energy at her home and she spends most of her time cultivating her garden.



Amed - Life is getting harder in cities where green areas are decreasing day by day, resulting from urbanization. More people have settled in villages to run away from life in cities. Sebırya İlbey goes to Mount Andok with her children every summer. The family has spent months in their two-story house.

She spends months in her two-story house with her children

Sebırya stays at foot of Mount Andok until winter and she produces whatever she needs from nature. She has come to her house at the foot of Andok for 20 years. “We built this house 15 years ago. Before building our house, we stayed in a tent for three years. We come here when schools are closed. We have to return to the city when schools are opened. We have a garden and a two-story house here. We use solar energy at our house.”

“We bake our bread on a sac”

The family members never go to the city center for months. They meet whatever they need from nature. “We plant vegetables in our garden. We collect plants in spring. We collect everything edible. We bake our bread on a sac (a circular iron plate). And we make our living with the food we produce, far from the city. The air on the mountain is fresh, people get bored in the city. We spend our winter in the city but we always miss nature and life on the mountain. For me, the life on the mountain is the best.”

“People should know how nature is valuable”

Sebırya told us that more people go to villages, “Before, people used to leave villages to live in cities but now they leave cities to live in villages. I feel alive whenever I see this mountain and freshwater. We built a house here to spend our summer here. We don’t harm nature or animals. People should know how nature, trees are valuable.”