“Polygamy office” opened in Azaz sparks outrage

Turkey and Turkish- backed groups opened an office called, “Polygamy Office” in the city of Azaz. Mizgin Xelil, Spokesperson of the Kongreya Star in Euphrates Region, told us they would stand against it. “The Polygamy office is actually a slavery center. We don’t accept such offices and we will hold marches and activities to protest it.”


Kobanî– Turkey and Turkish-backed factions are trying to make their presence permanent in the areas controlled by them. They don’t respect any rights of women in the areas controlled by them.  They opened an office called “Polygamy office” in the city of Azaz in mid-October to make their male-dominated mentality permanent.

Women’s organizations, people of NE Syria think the office is a step against women's rights and freedoms.

Kongreya Star condemns the opening of the office in the city of Azaz.  Indicating that women are seen as goods in the areas controlled by Turkey, Mizgin Xelil, Spokesperson of the Kongreya Star in Euphrates Region, said, “This office proves this. The Turkish state uses its male-dominated mentality against the women’s struggle in NE Syria. It wants to enslave women. Because women of Rojava have become a role model for all women’s struggle for freedom all around the world. The Turkish state and its backed factions want to destroy the achievements of women. Turkish state opened this office to encourage men for polygamy.”

“The situation of women is the same in the occupied areas”

Drawing attention to the situation of women living in the areas controlled by Turkey and Turkish-backed factions, Mizgin Xelil said, “Such practices are performed not only in Azaz but also in Serêkanî, Girê Spî, Afrin, Al Bab and Jarabulus. We can say that brutal and inhumane practices are carried out in every area under the control of the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions. The people living in the areas controlled by Turkey have faced fascism, racism and sexism. We have received many reports about the practices of Turkey. Women have been subjected to all forms of violence. Women have been abducted, killed, tortured and raped in these areas.”

“They want to revive the Ottoman Empire”

Mentioning the works and struggle of women under the umbrella of the Autonomous Administration, Mizgin Xelil said, “Women of NE Syria have been fighting for freedom, democracy, rights and equality since the July 19th Revolution. In addition, they have resisted oppression, violence, massacre, suicide and rape against women. We, as Kongreya Star, have enacted many laws to protect women and to improve our society. One of them is the law forbidding polygamy. The Turkish state tries to perform practices against this system we have built. They want to revive the Ottoman Empire, which allowed men to marry many times. But we don’t accept this mentality. We will keep struggling to save women being subjected to practices of the Turkish state. We will liberate the areas controlled by Turkey and Turkish-backed factions. We call on women to unite and join our struggle.”