Peace Mother faces 106 investigations

Hava Kıran is one of the Peace Mothers. She has been struggling for peace despite her age but she has been taken into custody many times. Hundreds of investigations have been opened against her. The Peace Mother says she has no gun but investigations have been opened against her for demanding peace.

Amed- 65-year-old Hava Kıran has to testify every month because of investigations opened against her for demanding peace. She was taken into custody five times and 106 investigations have been opened against her. Kıran has been banned from traveling from one city to another in Turkey and from traveling abroad. Kıran says that every word she says and every step she takes become a subject of an investigation against her, “if I say, ‘buy some tomatoes’ or ‘bring some cheeses’ on phone, they think my sentences are encrypted sentences,” says Kıran. Stating that an investigation was opened against her because she attended funerals, the Peace Mother states that she has to participate in a hearing or testify to the police station every month.
“As Peace Mothers, we seek peace everywhere”
Hava Kıran was born in Derik district of Mardin. After moving to Amed, she joined the Peace Mothers to struggle for peace. Saying that she has been detained many times since she joined the Peace Mothers, Hava Kıran says, “I entered this cause for peace. Many mothers' children lost their lives for this cause. All of us try to do something to prevent more mothers from crying. We formed human shields to protect people, we seek peace everywhere. As 70-year-old mothers, we sought peace everywhere. We wish everyone would work and fight for peace.”
“Attending funerals is a crime”
Hava Kıran says, “Every word I say and every step I take becomes a subject of an investigation against me. I am 65 years old and I have faced many bans; I was banned from traveling, I was put under house arrest. I have to check the calendar to see which hearing I have to participate in next month. An investigation was opened against me for attending funerals and for informing Peace Mothers about the funerals. When I say something on phone, I am asked, “What does this code mean?” My only answer to them is peace. These investigations definitely will end but I will continue to demand peace.”
“I have no guns or stones”
Investigations have been opened against Hava Kıran for alleged crimes such as, “being a member of a terrorist organization”, “transferring money to a (terrorist) organization”, “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” and “being a member of a women’s association”. She says she will keep demanding peace no matter what happens. “We demand peace to prevent more people from dying. As a 65-year-old woman, I have no guns and stones; I have just myself and my will. There are dozens of mothers like me. We will keep demanding peace.”