“One day is not enough to prevent violence,” say women of Halabja

Drawing attention to the increasing violence against women, women of Halabja say that one day is not enough to prevent violence.


Halabja-Violence against women is increasing every year in the Federal Kurdistan Region. Social media platforms, the education system and economic crisis are cited as some of the main reasons for the increase in violence. We spoke to women of Halabja about how violence against women can be prevented. 

Ruya Rekewt, a university student, stated that protests and activities should be carried out to prevent violence against women. “Women should speak out against violence faced by them, they should raise their voices,” she emphasized.

Education can prevent violence

“Our children should be educated to raise awareness against violence. Education can prevent violence. Violence is on the rise due to bad living conditions. Living conditions should be improved,” said Duniya Emer, a shop owner in the city center.

“We should struggle”

“One day is not enough to prevent violence against women. We should work harder and struggle to prevent violence. Violence against women is increasing because the government cannot prevent it,” said Gulizar Yusif, a teacher in Halabja.