“Jineology should spread in the Middle East”

Referring to the importance of Jineology for Middle Eastern women, Nujin Yusif, a member of the Academy of Jineology in the Middle East, called for the spread of Jineology in the Middle East so that women can build a common life.


Beirut – The 2nd Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Women's Conference was held in Beirut with the motto, “We will carry out the democratic revolution with women’s unity” between 30 and 31 July. Women from 16 countries attended the conference. One of them is Nujin Yusif, a member of the Academy of Jineology in the Middle East. She spoke to NuJINHA about the conference.

“Jineology is important for women”

Nujin Yusuf talked about the issues discussed by women during the two-day conference, “We discussed the development of women’s struggle and the patriarchal mentality attacking women after the Arab Spring. We also talked about honor killings and violence against women that drive women to commit suicide.”

A group of women of the Academy of Jineology in the Middle East attended the conference. “Jineology is the science of women so it is important for women. For this reason, the Jineology should spread in the Middle East. The patriarchal mindset and system must recognize the will of women. The women’s struggle can make it happen.”

“We must increase our strength”

Jineology creates a philosophy of life, Nujin Yusuf said, “No matter which countries women live in, they face the same patriarchal mentality everywhere. The culture and region may differ from each other but they face the same situations. Women look like getting offended by life due to what they face. But when they have an opportunity, they participate in life stronger. Jineology can turn their feelings into a struggle against patriarchal mentality because Jineology creates a philosophy of life. It explains many things such as how families should be and how women can build a common life. We must increase our strength. We need to spread Jineology in the Middle East.”