Healing source for women: Chaste tree seeds

Vitex agnus-castus or chasteberry is a native of the Mediterranean region. Chaste tree seeds have many benefits. They are commonly used to treat a variety of health problems such as premenstrual syndrome, menstrual pain and disorders, acne, and menopause.

News Center- Vitex agnus-castus, also called vitex, chaste tree, chasteberry, or monk's pepper, is a native of the Mediterranean region. It is one of the few temperate-zone species of Vitex, and from the Lamiaceae family. The tree blooms in July and August. In addition to their beautiful flowers, chaste trees have attractive, star-shaped, aromatic leaves. They are used to treat a variety of health problems. 
Their leaves and roots are also used in treatments
The chaste tree seeds have many benefits. They are commonly used to treat a variety of health problems faced by women such as premenstrual syndrome, menstrual pain and disorders, acne and menopause, and nursing difficulties. In Turkey, people collect their flowers in October or November. Not only their seeds but also their leaves and roots are used in treatments. 
Women have used use their seeds, leaves, and roots to treat premenstrual syndrome, menstrual pain and disorders, acne and menopause, nursing difficulties, and infertility for years.