Egyptian single women forced to get married

Thousands of single women in Egypt are subjected to violence by their families and society and they have been forced to get married.

Egypt / Cairo - The marriage age of women is discussed by every society. In Egyptian society, if a woman doesn’t get married and stays at her parents' home, she is subjected to daily violence and staying at her parents’ home is considered as the reason why she doesn’t get married.  
Women, who don’t want to get married, are first pushed by their families and then excluded from the society in Egypt. Women have to live facing violence. Some of these women tell what they have faced.
She is considered a burden
Sirûq Adil is 31 years old woman. She lives in an eastern neighborhood of Cairo, “When I returned home on my 30th birthday, I carried the gifts given by my friends. I saw my mother was crying. She told me, ‘if they really loved you, they would bring a groom for you.’ And I told her, ‘I don’t want a groom,’” Sirûq Adil said she is considered a burden in her family.
She is accused of being jealous
33 years old Nede Ebdul Rehîm is an administrative officer and she told us what she has faced: “When I come back from work, I do all of the housework because my mother cannot do them. I don’t complain about what I do; I look forward to my day off to take to breathe and to rest. But my sisters visit us on that day with their children and husbands. I cook for them and then clean the house. They never help me.” Nede Ebdul Rehîm said her mother told her, “You are alone. You have to serve them.” She also said she is accused of being jealous of their marriages.
Female doctors face the same things
The story of 34 years old Sara Hesen is not different than other women’s stories. Sara lives in the Iktoberê neighborhood of Giza city. Even if she is a doctor, she also faces cold and unpleasant words. She supports all members of her family. “I am a doctor and I'm proud of my profession. My unemployed brother called me ‘spinster’ a month ago. And he asked me for money because he spent all money I had given him.  I complained about him to my mother. Unfortunately, she told me my brother was right. She told me, ‘Girls your age have children. After all, your money is your brother’s money. You have to support your family as long as you live.’”
She was beaten for not getting married
Mehe Hesen is a 35 years old woman. Mehe is subjected to insults and violence by her father. Her father calls her “the tower owl” never uses her real name. Mehe said, “My father was very interested in marrying me to my friend. When I refused, he beat me and told me, ‘Single men never want to marry women your own age except for married men.’ Surely, my brothers never help me.”
“Education is an obstacle for getting married”
It is known that some families in Egypt consider education as one of the main obstacles and reasons for women to not get married. 37-year-old Yisra Abdil Ezîz living in the Nûsra city of Cairo confirms this by saying: “One day, I came home from work. I was carrying several books in my hands. I heard the guard of the building told his wife, ‘Look, the Engineer spinster is coming.’ I ignored what he told me. Anyway, all my relatives and neighbors say the same thing. Before my father died, he had told me, “Faculty of Engineering was not a good decision for you.’ According to him, the reason why I don’t get married was education.
Thousands of single women in Egypt, regardless of their status, have been subjected to violence and pressures by their families and society.
· The women mentioned in the article didn’t want their photos taken by us to be used so we cannot share their photos.