Deaf and dumb Binayi attracts attention with her talent

Deaf and dumb Binayi Muhteşem, who studied painting at university, sews dresses. “People ask my daughter to sew dresses for them,” says the mother of Binayi, who attacks attention with her talent.


Halabja- Binayi Muhteşem is from the Bamuk village of Halabja and she now lives with her family in the Soçi neighborhood of Halabja. She is known for her talent and works in the neighborhood. After hearing about her talent, we wanted to have an interview with her. When we visited her home, we learned that she is deaf and dumb.

But she never sees being deaf and dumb as an obstacle to herself to follow her dreams. She graduated from the Painting Department of Halabja University. Her mother told us her daughter’s talent because Binayi Muhteşem couldn’t speak.

She is both painter and tailor

Her mother mentioned how her daughter is talented, “She is both painter and tailor. People ask my daughter to sew dresses for them. My daughter doesn’t need anyone; she stands on her own legs. She likes sewing dresses. She should go out to work and see around. But she likes staying and working at home.”