Barra Lavi leads boycott of Israeli products in Gaza

Before the last Israeli attack on Gaza, Palestinians bought Israeli products and asked people, “Do you know this is an Israeli product?” to boycott Israeli products after Baraa Lavi and a group of people launched a boycott Israel campaign. Gaza is the second place which buys the products of Israel the most after the USA and the people of Gaza slowly learn that.




Gaza- Palestinian Baraa Lavi leads a group consists of mostly women to boycott the products of Israel. Baraa began to launch a boycott campaign when Israel attacked Gaza in 2014. She said that most of the people of Gaza have learned the products of Israel through this campaign and that the boycott campaign raises awareness.

Baraa Lafi and a modest group of 12 people, mostly women, have conducted a boycott campaign. When they started to launch the campaign, they discovered that Gaza is the second place that purchases Israeli products after the USA. “When we told that to the people of Gaza, they were shocked.”

Code 729 means the products were produced by Israel

Baraa warned the people about the products having no label or manufacturer’s name. “There is a code on the products of Israel. Code 729 written on products means the products were produced by Israel,” Baraa said. She and her group actively use social media platforms to make the campaign heard. She also thanked Dr. Bassem Naim for sponsoring the campaign.

Call from Baraa on Arab countries to boycott Israeli products

Baraa Lafi wants to make their campaign heard not only in Gaza but also in Arab countries. She calls on all Arab countries to not buy the products of Israel to protect the people of Gaza.