Women share their pain at art exhibition

Women of Halabja and Duhok held an art and handicraft exhibition in Halabja. Female painters draw attention to the pain faced by women in their paintings.



Halabja- Female painters of different faiths came together and held an art and handicraft exhibition in Halabja. Women of Halabja and Duhok displayed their paintings at the exhibition opened in Halabja Public Garden.

Young female painters drew the pain faced by Yazidi women after the genocide committed against them by ISIS in their paintings.

She drew Yazidi women

Ayşe Cuma is one of the women painters joining the exhibition. “I try to express the power of women in my paintings. In one of my paintings, I drew the Yazidi women celebrating Çarşema Sor (Red Wednesday- Yazidi New Year). I also drew Yazidi women wearing their traditional dress in my other painting.

Pakize Seid, who escaped from ISIS and now lives in a refugee camp in Duhok, is another young women painter joining the exhibition with her paintings. She is originally from Til Ezer village located in Shengal and she has drawn paintings since 2016. “I have tried to draw more about the pain faced by women after the genocide in Shengal. I cannot focus on my paintings due to the bad conditions in the camp.”