Women of Moroccan writer Zahra Azz

We spoke to Moroccan writer Zahra Azz about strong female characters in her novels and her new project.


Morocco- “I cannot deny my gender. I have faced challenges for being a woman. For this reason, I focus on women’s issues in my books,” says Moroccan writer Zahra Azz.

How did you decide to be a writer?

I grew up in an environment, where science and books were considered as sacred. So I was very lucky. I always tried to be successful, and I still try. Every year, I try to add new books to my library. I discover new worlds thanks to books. I have read as many philosophical, scientific, and literary books as much as I can. That’s why I love literature. I still remember the first poem that I wrote and how my teacher encouraged me to keep writing. For me, letters are like wild horses. I try to bridle and tame them with oppressed and soft feelings. A dormant volcano is in endless throes. It explores in a decisive moment. It creates sometimes angry and sometimes peaceful lava.

My aim to write stories and novels is to contribute to building a new collective world that is more equal, modern, and civilized.

“I cannot deny my gender”

We see strong women in your books. Do you write your books to encourage women?

I am a creative person, who writes without gender discrimination, against boundaries that are against human integrity and existence. That's why I write both political and ideological texts. When you read my texts and books, you feel that they were written by a woman. The truth is that I cannot deny my gender while I have faced challenges for being a woman. Therefore, one of the main issues in my works is women’s issues in the social sphere. I focus on women in my works maybe because of the high level of violence against women or that women are seen as the weakest link in their societies. Respecting women is important because they suffer more than men in Arab societies. In my novels, there is the expectation, pain, and hope.

“Society takes its share” 

What does your book “Pain Bed” tell?

My novel “Pain Bed” tells the silence of society. There are setbacks, waiting, pain, and hope in this novel. Pain is the tributary and the bed comes to soothe it.

How do you evaluate the writing experiences of Moroccan women?

Each woman has her own style and characteristic feature in her works. But women writers are oppressed. Moroccan writers are ready to express themselves in the cultural sphere, with their poems, stories, or novels. For this reason, they are respected for breaking down the walls of silence.

What do you think about “feminist literature”?

I think that feminist literature focuses on women's creativity and women's issues from a different perspective. Because women writers focus on women’s voices more. It fully defines women's issues and what women deserve.

Do you have new projects? Could you tell us about your next projects?

I am currently working on a book consisting of stories. It will be published soon. I am also working on a new novel. I am also working on a new experience; I am writing scripts. Until now, I have received positive criticisms from many directors and critics.