Woman overcoming obstacles by painting: Meryem Düzgün Kaya

Meryem Düzgün Kaya known as “Painter wearing Shalwar” in Kavacık village is an orthopedically handicapped but she never sees this as an obstacle. She keeps painting despite all difficulties. Having managed to turn her disadvantage into an advantage, Meryem keep painting with the support of a painter who moved to her village when she was 45 years old. She never lets go of her dreams and says that anyone with and without disabilities can make their dreams come true by performing art.

İzmir- I have been lived in İzmir for a long time; I know that there are places I don’t know but hidden somewhere. Kavacık is one of these places. How can a village be both so close and far to the city? You always think about this while driving on the long Kavacık roads. When you leave the narrow and wiggly roads behind you patiently and drive to hills, you can finally see the Kavacık sign. The reason why I began this journey is a wonderful woman who inspired me with her story: Meryem Düzgün Kaya.
A painter moved to her village changes her life
Meryem is known as the “Painter wearing Shalwar” in the village. She is a special woman who has been living with an orthopedic disability since she was three years old. One day, Meryem's life changed completely when a painter moved to her village. Discovering her painting talent after the age of 45, Meryem began to live and breathe painting in a short time. The painter supported her in transforming her skills into production. Meryem has managed to hold three exhibitions after nine years. The paintings produced by Meryem, who does not have any education on painting, have also inspired other people living in the village. Being be granted an award titled, “Artist of the Year”, Meryem has given free lessons to children, women and disabled people living in the village. Meryem strongly emphasized that she was always proud to tell her story and she hosted me in her house in the village. Meryem's excitement and indescribable naivety did not disappoint me for a moment. While we were preparing our cameras, she came and told us, “You have come o long way, I am going to prepare something for you.” She has turned one part of her house into a café called, “Painter Café” to live on. Her twin sister, neighbors and close friends never left us alone in the pleasant garden.
“My teacher didn't believe that I drew the pictures”
Meryem has turned a room in her house into a painting workshop. She also uses this room to give lessons to the children. Meryem started to tell us her story in that room;
“When I was three years old, I contracted polio due to an inflammatory disease. I couldn’t carry my bag when I was a primary school student; but my twin always supported me. When I was a primary school student, I wanted to be a tailor. And I became the tailor of the village in a short time. I have managed to live on without being dependent on anyone. My disability never stops me. I have a normal life like other people. Maybe my parents gave me a lot of work to do without realizing it, but that's why I have become so strong now. My siblings didn't treat me like I'm disabled person. I overcame the obstacles and here I am. My passion for painting actually started in Primary School. I drew pictures those times but my teacher didn't take it too seriously. Actually, my teacher didn’t believe that I drew the pictures but believed that I copied them from somewhere. Then I started my business life but my passion for painting was always with me. Years passed and one day a painter moved to our village and everything changed for me.
“I made an exhibition announcement from the mosque”
Meryem describes the moving of the painter to her village as one of the most beautiful surprises of her life. To tell the true, she is right. Image that you live in one of Izmir's most difficult-to-reach villages. You are physically disabled and your movement area is limited. But you have a passion and talent and you cannot find an opportunity to reveal this. Then, a painter comes to your village and notices you. Let’s learn the story from Meryem;
I took courses from the woman painter. I didn’t know how to use the colors but I learned it in a short time. When the painter saw my paintings she liked them very much and told me, “put your signature under them.” First I used oil pastel but my goal was to paint using oil paints and brushes. I reached my goal and I put my signature on 28 different paintings in total. During an election period, people heard that there was a painter in the village and they visited me. They told me they liked my paintings. Eight months later, someone called me and told me they would give me the opportunity to hold an exhibition. After the call, I cried out of my joy. I made an exhibition announcement from the mosque to invite the villagers to my exhibition. Journalists were also there. Most of people didn’t believe that I drew the pictures. I asked my twin to bring my canvas and I drew a picture there. I felt the need to prove myself. The visitors bought my pictures. It was an amazing experience for me.
She made her paint brush using horsehair
Meryem soon became known as the “Painter wearing Shalwar”. She becomes famous not only in Kavacık, but also in other cities. During that period, she received many special invitations from other cities. Meryem talked about times she couldn’t find paint brush and she said she asked horsehair from one of her neighbors to make her own paint brush. We asked Meryem what are the villagers’ comments about her.
“At first, I got reactions from the villagers. The people tried to understand that situation. Some of them told me, “You are crazy”. They didn't take me seriously but I broke these chains one by one. Their thoughts did not interest me but now everything changes. Now, men tell their wives, “Draw pictures like Meryem”. They appreciate me. I gave some free lessons to the children in the village. Teaching was always a desire for me. One day, a neighbor's child by chance brought her drawing book and wanted to draw with me. I accepted and enjoyed this experience. Then, the number of children increased to 18 children. 
“Disabled friends should join in production”
A special documentary of Meryem called "Painting Love" was shot in 2011. Thinking that painting socializes her and enables her to open up to the world, Meryem said that physically disabled people should accept their situation and not stand aside. 
“My disabled friends should join in production. Especially they should interest in art. It is art that will strengthen both psychology and everything.