Painter of women’s stories: Rênas Murad

Rênas Murad is a young painter, who paints women having stories and dreams. She also paints the destruction of nature in Kurdistan to express her reaction. Rênas Murad aims to serve her country and women living in the country with her art.


Rênas Murad is a young painter, who paints women having stories and dreams. She also paints the destruction of nature in Kurdistan to express her reaction.  Rênas Murad aims to serve her country and women living in the country with her art.


Sulaymaniyah - Rênas Murad graduated from English department in Derbendîxanê but she doesn’t practice her profession because she loves painting. She brings her dreams and talent together in her paintings. She improves herself in painting as an academic career.

“I try to express my reaction with my art”

Rênas Murad shows the beauty of nature in her paintings and her aim is to express her reaction with her art; “I try to express my reaction to Turkey’s destruction on Kurdistan’s mountains and uprooting trees on mountains with my art. I try to paint this situation, which left a deep wound in our heart,” she said.

“Each painting has a story”

Rênas Murad paints about many issues such as nature, dreams and real life, wishes, and each of her paintings have a different story. “Particularly all the female figures in my paintings have stories, which can be turned into novels. I try to tell their stories by painting them. Each woman’s story is like an ocean.”

All Rênas Murad wants is to serve her country and the women living in the country with her art.