Lebanese artist turns detritus of war or waste materials into art
Lebanese plastic artist Soraya Halal collects waste materials and detritus of war and turns them into artwork.

Beirut- Lebanese plastic artist Soraya Halal gives social and humanitarian messages in her artworks. She turns iron or plastic and detritus of war into recycled art. She has participated in many national and international exhibitions. The most important message Soraya Halal gives in her works is that waste materials can be turned into beautiful artwork.
Speaking about her first exhibition called, “Rebirth” to display the artworks she created by using plastic, fabric, and other waste materials, Soraya Halal says that this exhibition was a turning point for her. After her first exhibition, she held her second exhibition “Art, Environment, Human” to display the artworks she created by using materials that pollute the environment such as plastic bottles and bags, and then she held her third exhibition called, “We Refuse to die” at the Exode Gallery in Ashrafieh, the eastern suburb of Beirut, on March 25. The door of the exhibition opened until April 2.
She uses unusual techniques
In addition to her own exhibitions, she has also held several national and international exhibitions along with other artists. She is studying for a Master’s degree in fine art and she is a member of the Lebanese Artists Association for Painters and Sculptors. She has held many workshops and training programs for children and young people to teach them the art. She turns the detritus of war or waste materials into art to express art, life, and sustainability through new but unusual techniques, and unprecedented ideas.
She turns waste materials into artwork
“Art is a lifestyle for me,” Soraya Halal said, “I always ask people's opinions during the exhibitions I attend and hold. I pay attention to their opinions to improve myself. I always try to use waste materials or turn dangerous materials into beautiful things. At my last exhibition, I displayed beautiful artworks I created from smelly, ugly, scary materials to show the reality of the country. I used 60 materials such as plastic, wire, cd, magazine, notebook, toy, paper, and dry wood pieces to create them.”
Soraya Halal uses new ideas and completely different techniques in each of her exhibitions. “I try to collect materials before holding an exhibition. Collecting materials sometimes last more than a year. For my last exhibition, I used detritus of the 2006 Lebanon War to create my artworks. I collect environmentally harmful materials such as plastic, glass, and metal and turn them into artworks,” she told us.
Speaking about the 2022 general election in Lebanon, Soraya Halal said, “I hope women will be elected and govern the country. Thus, we can change our society. I hope more women hold decision-making positions.”