“Language used in children's literature is everything!”

Oya Uslu, the author of children's books, states that children's literature does not tolerate any mistakes and says, “Even being well-intentioned is not enough in itself. You should know philosophy, sociology, and psychology, just as if you write for adults. Otherwise, there is no chance for satisfying texts to be created!”

İzmir- Author Oya Uslu, who has crowned her productivity with 17 different books she has published so far, is one of the bright names of children's literature in recent years. Expressing that she has been in the writing activity since primary school, the children's literature plays an active role in Oya Uslu's writing adventure. The author finds a chance to speak to the children’s dream world again with her book namely “The Mocking Prince and Almira”. We ask her questions about her story and she answers our questions sincerely.
Although you have two books that you have written for adults, we have mostly known you as the author of children's books. Could you briefly tell us about your life story?
I was born in Konak, the central district of Izmir, in 1960. My father was originally from İzmir while my mother was a Yugoslav migrant. I grew up as the daughter of a working-class family. Both my mother and father worked in a factory for a long time at that time. Particularly, my secondary and high school years were very good. My family was a typical Izmir family, they did not put pressure on us in general, and we felt free. We didn’t see gender differences in our family. When I was in high school I met a revolutionary struggle. This struggle changed my view of life and gave color to my life. I was a happy girl and I saw the world through rose-colored glasses. This struggle showed me other colors. I worked in a factory and then got married. I have two daughters. Although I won the university, I could continue my education only for two years. Now I am trying to survive in Izmir as a retired woman and mother of two children. 
How did your writing journey begin? Could you talk about your writing journey?
Actually, I completed my first book file while going to primary school. I immediately took it excitedly to show it to my teacher. It included love stories; my teacher read it and told me, “Don’t think such things.” Fortunately, my secondary school and high school teachers gave me a lot of support. I am a lucky woman about my family; because my mother was a woman who wrote three books. At that time, she often bought books for me and encouraged me to read. I wrote without knowing, “What is literature?” I went to work in a factory for my motivation. I told myself, “Let’s go to work, observe the people, and collect new stories.” Then, I worked in that factory for two years. I kept a diary there regularly and I can say that I collected enough notes to write a novel. Unfortunately, I lost all those notes. That badly affected me. I didn’t write anything for seven years. After having children, I read children’s books all the time. And I was motivated to write again and I wrote notes for three books with excitement. The publishing house collected my notes and published them. Since then, I keep writing. 
Turning an idea into a book is a long and tiring journey, how is your journey? For example, what kind of preparation you have to make before publishing your book?
I feel the need to investigate about a subject I will write in my every book.  I think this is also a serious responsibility for me. If I need to work in a specific location, I go there and take videos or photographs, meet with people. I form a basis by researching everything. The content is shaping gradually during this process. I find the point at which the characters look at life very important. For this reason, I reserve a significant part of the preparation phase to analyze the character. Turkey is a region where people suffer a lot and where gives great hope. I am surprised that some writers complain about not being able to find a topic in this geography. I believe a good writer can allow flowers to bloom in the garden of humanity. Even being well-intentioned is not enough in itself; you have to be really good. I do my best to write texts that improve the conscience.
There is a serious increase in the number of women writers particularly in the field of stories. What are your comments about that?
The feudal system takes women's chances away to improve themselves. Women cannot bring them into existence even in their families. In recent years this wall has been broken. Women have the chance to read and know themselves better. And naturally, they start to produce something. Women who have been silenced for centuries now want to rise. They try to prove their existence in every field. Women write to make their voices heard and to make other women's voices heard. 
While we are talking about the rise of women, let’s talk about the women writers collectives in Izmir.
Certainly! Essentially, there are many women's collectives for literature in Izmir. Moreover, they are very active and in solidarity with each other. Today, women's problems arising from being a woman are discussed very well. In this way, women stand by their problems and know what they want. I am a member of the Egeli Women's Platform. It is a space that changes and develops my view on women's issues. I was a member of the Women Writers Association before.
What kind of responsibilities an author writing children’s book has? 
I think children's literature is a field that you must never, ever makes mistakes. For this reason, the author should have both knowledgeable and well-intentioned. As I highlighted before, even being well-intentioned is not enough in itself. The children immediately feel your sincerity. Those who have not lost their sincerity are strong candidates for writing. You should know philosophy, sociology, and psychology, just as if you write for adults. Otherwise, there is no chance for satisfying texts to be created. The language used in children's literature is everything. If the language is meticulous, the children both love the story and understand themselves better.