“I want to sing for my audience, not for the walls!”

Many musicians have faced many financial and moral difficulties due to lockdowns after the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. Musician Cansu Nihal Akarsu organizes online concerts but she says online concerts don’t draw the attention of people like live concerts. She underlines that about 100 musicians committed suicide, “I think there is a general ignoring approach. No one talks about these suicides.”

İzmir – Lockdowns began to be imposed in Turkey to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. People working in cultural and artistic fields as a freelance, such as singers, actors, actresses, theater players, and musicians are the most affected people by the Covid-19 pandemic. They have faced many financial and moral difficulties. Particularly, the musicians haven’t been supported by the state and local governments although they have organized protests. Cansu Nihal Akarsu is one of these musicians. We talked to her about what kind of difficulties she has faced and the musicians committed suicide due to financial reasons.
“Before the pandemic outbreak, I received recompense for my work”
Cansu Nihal Akarsu decided to be a music teacher when she studied in Fine Arts High School. She took an exam to study at a conservatoire. She passed the exam and studied at Conservatoire Department, Ege University. Cansu graduated from university as a cello teacher. She told us how her jazz music adventure started as follows;
“I interested in Jazz music while I was a high school student but I can say that my interest in jazz music increased while I was a university student. I took theoretical lessons from some teachers, and I had the chance to perform in İzmir. You need to work hard for this profession. You have to constantly practice and renew yourselves. Before the pandemic outbreak, I think I received recompense for my work. I worked with different groups, friends, and teams. There were music festivals and events before the pandemic outbreak. We organized workshops along with foreign musicians. All of these were factors that kept me fresh.”
“No one talks about musicians committed suicide”
Cansu moved to Istanbul about a year before the pandemic outbreak in order to have more spaces to perform her favorite jazz music. Cansu stated that the live interaction with the audience on the stage is a completely different feeling but the musicians lost their motivation after the pandemic outbreak.
“The musicians have been affected by the pandemic both economically and spiritually. I have been emotionally affected. You have to be away from stages and your audience and you have to stay at home. I think there is a general ignoring approach. We talk about 500,000 people. A lot of things were asked to give 1000 TL to 15,000 musicians. I think I can earn 1000 TL if I do something else. So I didn’t apply for financial support (by the government). But I know there are families of three or four people, who have to live on this financial support. I give private lessons. I try to overcome this process but the situation of other people is different. Nearly 100 musicians committed suicide during the pandemic but no one talks about them.
Cansu said she worked on a single album now. She organizes online concerts but she says online concerts don’t draw the attention of people like live concerts.
“The only positive part of this process is that you can find the opportunity to work on your own projects. But the feeling of uncertainty you face is a terrible feeling. Sometimes, I share something online but it is different. Sometimes, people tell me, “Find another job, music can be your hobby,” But producing music is a job. I received education to be a musician, this is who I am! I want to sing for my audience, not for the walls!"