First training program of “RadioJin” project to be held on June 19

The first training program titled, “RadioJin Podcast Training and Production Project for Women” will be held on June 19 with the support of Kültür için Alan (Space for Culture). The training program includes many topics such as the reflections of gender-based discrimination in language used by media, how an alternative language can be used while producing podcasts, what is happening in the world of podcasts and how to use the applications for producing contents.

News Center - A group of women has launched a project titled, “RadioJin Podcast Training and Production Project for Women” after receiving a grant from Kültür için Alan (Space for Culture) in 2021. The women believe that women’s struggles growing all around the world should be made visible in the digital world. This project provides women an opportunity to express themselves, gender inequality, and their objections in the podcast world and to share their ideas without censorship.

Training program for two separate groups

The project aims to build a space for women to create a feminist language against patriarchal language and to train them to produce podcasts. The first training program (virtual and face to face) will be held between June 19 and July 14 for two separate groups of 18 women.

The application deadline for the first group is June 12

The training program includes many topics such as the reflections of gender-based discrimination in the language used by media, how an alternative language can be used while producing podcasts, what is happening in the world of podcasts and how to use the applications for producing contents. The application deadline for the first group is June 12. The program and application form for the second group will be announced in July.