Young women of Shengal: We will not allow the occupation

We will resist to the end to fail these dirty plans. We are ready to fight against the invaders along with the guerrillas,” the young women of Shengal say.

Shengal (Sinjar)- The Iraqi, KDP and Turkish forces continue to attack the Yazidis living in Shengal to implement the agreement signed by the Turkish state, KDP, and the Iraqi government on October 9, 2020 while the people of Shengal continue to resist the attacks against their will and demand for autonomy. They keep holding protests and activities against the attacks. Yesterday, the Yazidi Youth Women's Union and Yazidi Youth Union held a meeting in the Geliyê Kersê to discuss the actions that they should take against the attacks.

“We will protect Shengal from betrayers”

NuJINHA team spoke to Sara Botan, Spokesperson of the Yazidi Youth Union, about the meeting. “During the meeting, we focused on the ongoing attacks. In such a process, we, as young people, have responsibilities to fulfill. In recent years, the Al-Kadhimi government has put pressure on us, young people. We, as Êzidxan youth, are ready to go to the free mountains and resist because we know that no one can live here without the guerrilla. For this reason, we will not allow the attacks and occupation. We give our word to our people that we will protect Shengal from betrayers to the end. The KDP and Al-Kadhimi government do their best to depopulate Shengal. As young people, we will fail their dirty plans,” Sara Botan told us.

“We will build our autonomy”

Underlining that the KDP leads the attacks, Sara Botan said, “It (KDP) subjects our people to attacks not only in Shengal but also in the camps in Başure Kurdistan. Their houses are plundered and they are forced to leave their houses every day. They use their agents to create turmoil in Shengal. But we will not allow these games. Despite all the pressures, we will fail their games and build our autonomy.”

Înas Şengal, one of the young people attending the meeting, told us that they will do their best to fail the dirty plans against Shengal. Stating that they discussed the ongoing attacks to determine what they should do against the attacks at the meeting, Înas Şengal said, “We are ready to support the guerrilla because they protected us during the genocide against us. We are ready to fight against the invaders along with the guerrillas.”