Yemeni women want to participate in politics, peacebuilding
Although three years have passed since Yemen adopted its first National Action Plan, Yemeni women are excluded from politics and peacebuilding.

Yemen- United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolution 1325 addresses the impact of war on women and the importance of women's full and equal participation in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, peacekeeping, humanitarian response and in post-conflict reconstruction. In 2019, Yemen adopted its first 1325 National Action Plan, designed to implement UNSCR 1325, for the period 2020-2022. However, Yemeni women are still excluded from politics and peacebuilding.
Yemeni journalist Samira Al Fahidi thinks that education of women is very important for the implementation of UNSCR 1325. Speaking about the role of media, she said, “Media should raise awareness about the importance of women's presence in every sphere of life. The tribes in Yemen make the implementation of the resolution remain a formality.”
‘There is no ignorance but neglect’
Samira Al Fahidi believes that there is a disregard for UNSCR 1325 in Yemen. “There is no ignorance but neglect. Some figures act according to their own interests and do not care about women's important role in society. More efforts must be made to raise awareness about the importance of women’s participation in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, peacekeeping, humanitarian response and in post-conflict reconstruction.”
Obstacles that prevent women’s political participation
Speaking about the obstacles that prevent women’s political participation in Yemen, Maria Rashid from the Women's National Committee of Yemen said, “The political crisis in Yemen, the absence of political will by decision-makers are two obstacles that prevent women’s political participation. Although Yemeni women were on the frontline of the Yemeni revolution, they are still excluded from politics and peacebuilding. We still expect women to be included in the peace process.”
Maria Rashid also talked about the role of the Women’s National Committee of Yemen in fighting for women’s participation in decision-making positions. “The committee seeks to formulate policies with government agencies for women’s participation in decision-making positions.”
She stressed that the committee makes great efforts to address women’s issues and fight violence against women. “The committee carries out international and local activities to make women’s voices heard and end gender-based violence.”