Yazidis rise like a phoenix from the ashes

Seven years have passed since the Yazidi Genocide committed by ISIS on August 3, 2014. The Yazidi society, particularly Yazidi women, has passed through many changes in seven years. Yazidis were forcibly displaced to the mountains of Shengal due to edicts against them. The genocide committed by ISIS is the 73rd edict against them. But after the last genocide, they rise like a phoenix from the ashes… As NuJINHA, we spoke to Sebiha Sebri, spokesperson of the Yazidi women from Shengal about what has changed for Yazidi women in seven years. Yazidi women have organized themselves under the umbrella of the Yazidi Women's Freedom Movement (TAJÊ) to not face more genocide. Yazidi women, who went through the tyranny of ISIS, one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world, don’t want to face such genocide again but want to take revenge for abducted and enslaved thousands of women by organizing themselves.

Seven years have passed since the Yazidi Genocide committed by ISIS on August 3, 2014. The Yazidi society, particularly Yazidi women, has passed through many changes in seven years. Yazidis were forcibly displaced to the mountains of Shengal due to edicts against them. The genocide committed by ISIS is the 73rd edict against them. But after the last genocide, they rise like a phoenix from the ashes… As NuJINHA, we spoke to Sebiha Sebri, spokesperson of the Yazidi women from Shengal about what has changed for Yazidi women in seven years. Yazidi women have organized themselves under the umbrella of the Yazidi Women's Freedom Movement (TAJÊ) to not face more genocide. Yazidi women, who went through the tyranny of ISIS, one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world, don’t want to face such genocide again but want to take revenge for abducted and enslaved thousands of women by organizing themselves.


Shengal- Travelling from the plains of Mosul to Shengal and finding a community that is rebuilding itself after a long journey is amazing. As the NuJINHA team, we took this journey to see Yazidi women, who have built their lives despite all impossibilities and our aim is to report what we saw in the most objective way. We listened to many stories and we understand that every person has a different story. We are impressed by Yazidi women, who stand firm despite everything they faced.

  • Why did the Yazidi community face so many edicts?

First of all, I respectfully commemorate the martyrs of the 73rd edict. The Yazidi community is a community that has faced 73 edicts in history. The edict of August 3, 2014 is the 73rd edict and the edict on March 3 (On March 3, 2017, the KDP-backed Roj Peshmerga attacked residents of Khana Sor) is the 74th edict. Actually, we know these edicts but maybe many of them (edicts) are still unknown. Thousands of our people were killed and forcibly displaced during each edict. Forcibly displaced people began to forget their own culture after a while. All of these pose a danger to our religion. We became the victims of this 74th edict due to betrayal. We believed in the forces claimed “we will protect you in Shengal” and our community was left unprotected. But the truths were revealed during the last edict. All 74 edicts were carried out by the Ottomans. The 74th edict was carried out by the Ottomans-backed ISIS. The edict against us continues, there is still a danger. Now, they want to annihilate us by using political means. They have carried out these edicts against us to prevent us from having will and power.

  • Why are such genocidal policies carried out against Yazidis? How does the Yazidi community survive despite these edicts?

We are always subjected to attacks because our religion is an ancient religion. All Kurds and Yazidis are from the same origin, our origin is Yazidism. The Kurds have many enemies and the aim of their enemies is to annihilate the Kurds and the Yazidism. That’s why they carried out the 74th edict against us. The only aim of Turkey and other nation-states is to create one nation, one flag, and one language. We are the only ones who object to this.

Our society welcomes the sun every day, the sun, moon, stars, air, water, earth, and fire are sacred elements for us. We have a connection with nature but the capitalist system is against differences. Despite all edicts, the Yazidi community manages to protect their religion, beliefs, and culture. Our community has always taken shelter in the mountains, and the mountains have been our shelter. The Yazidis have always hoped for freedom. Our society has many heroes; some of them are Derweşê Evdî, Gule Ana, Martyr Hayri, Zeki Şengali, and Zerdeş from Shengal. They had power from their religion and beliefs.

  • What was the aim of ISIS?

The aim of ISIS was to annihilate all Yazidis. Because the religion and belief of the Yazidi community is different from other religions and beliefs. There were forces to protect our community. They told us, “You don’t need any weapon, we will protect you” but they left the people unprotected. Before the edict (genocide), there were a thousand KDP Peshmerga and Iraqi forces in Shengal. They withdrew from Shengal without fighting.

“They sold Shengal before ISIS arrived”

Before the edict, we received reports saying that ISIS members settled in Iraq. Our people trusted in 12 thousand KDP Peshmerga and Iraqi force because they could protect Shengal. If we had had weapons, we could have protected ourselves. But unfortunately, we faced the edict due to their betrayal. Shengal was sold before ISIS members arrived. Yes, ISIS committed the 74th edict but this edict was committed due to betrayal. Our people call this edict “the edict of betrayal.” Before the edict, the people regarded the Peshmerga as their own children and believed in them. Unfortunately, they betrayed the people.

  • People living in the Sîba Şêx Xidir and Gir Zerik villages resisted the attacks of ISIS. The villagers were ready against the attacks. How could they protect themselves? How did they get weapons?

Young and elder people, who had guns at their homes, protected their people. The young people escaping from ISIS blocked the way of fleeing Peshmerga members and demanded them give their weapons. But the Peshmerga members rejected them and four of our people martyrized in Zorava because the Peshmerga members didn’t give their weapons. The Peshmerga members didn’t give weapons to the people to protect themselves!

  • Why were women targeted during the edict?

We got to know Abdullah Öcalan after the edict. He said, “A country can't be free unless the women are free.” The enemies also know that very well and that’s why they first attacked women. In our religion, women are the Goddesses. Yazidi women were attacked; their husbands and children were killed in front of them. Yazidi women faced much atrocity.

  • Yazidi women resisted during the genocide against them. Could you please talk about their resistance?

Despite all these inhuman practices, Yazidi women also showed great resistance. Yazidi women went to the mountains of Shengal and they killed themselves to not be captive by ISIS. A Yazidi woman named Cîlana Ciwan cut her wrists before being sold to an ISIS leader. This is resistance, not suicide! Gulê Ana is another Yazidi woman known by the people of Shengal. She took her husband’s gun and resisted ISIS. She rescued many Yazidis. But most Yazidi women didn’t know how to use a gun, if they had known how to use guns, they would have protected themselves. Yazidi women can play a leading role if they are given this opportunity.

  • Seven years have passed, how have Yazidi women organized themselves to fight against the patriarchal system?

YJA Star (Êzîdxan Women's Units) fighters always stand by Yazidi women. On behalf of the Êzîdxan Women's Units, we can easily say that we rise like a phoenix from the ashes. As Yazidi women, we founded TAJÊ in 2015. Our main aim is to support our women to heal their wounds, educate themselves, and found their military and political units. The Yazidi women have learned how to protect themselves both in military and political areas. The Yazidi women now can fight ISIS and protect themselves. Moreover, the Yazidi women went to Raqqa and fought ISIS there. They have rescued many Yazidi women from ISIS. After being rescued, they joined the YJŞ (Sinjar Women’s Protection Units‎)

TAJÊ has reunited the Yazidi women rescued by the SDF with their families. TAJÊ becomes the family of the women, who have no families anymore. We are ready to do everything to not allow more Yazidis to face any genocide.  

  • What will TAJÊ do in this region from now on?

As Yazidi Women's Freedom Movement, we have carried out many important works until now. The Yazidi women now have a stance. Unfortunately, the Yazidi women haven’t received any support from any international organizations. If women should unite and organize, they can end edicts, abuse, femicides, and gender-based violence. We can win together. During the 74th edict, the Yazidi community understood very well that the edicts against them will continue if they don’t have their own autonomy and self-government.