Writers: Creative women have a role in breaking barriers limiting them

Women participating in the Arab Women Creators Forum stressed the importance of joint women’s efforts in MENA to break gender stereotypes.


Tunisia- The 24th session of the Creative Arab Women’s Forum was held between May 12 and 14 in the Tunisia’s Sousse city with the motto, “Forbidden trinity in the Creativity of Arab Women” with the participation of many creative women from Egypt, Syria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya and Tunisia. During the forum, the participants drew attention to the joint efforts of women. The forum consisted of lectures, scientific sessions, panels and seminars on breaking gender stereotypes.

Tunisian writer and novelist Amira Ghoneim also participated in the forum. Stating that women writers don’t write only to make their names immortal but also resist all forms of discrimination and oppression against women, she said, “Everything that women create in the field of literature, poetry, storytelling, plastic art, theater and cinema would contribute to raising the level of women’s freedom because the writings of Tunisian creative women and others are ignored.”

“Women play an important role”

Amira Ghoneim pointed out that although the developed legislation and the legal system say that women have reached a certain degree of freedom, women still face discrimination. Expressing that literature plays an important role in societies because it affects societies indirectly, continuously and innovatively, Amira Ghoneim emphasized that women play an important role in revealing the truth in their writings and novels.

“Women should struggle”

Tunisian poet Radhia Shehaibi told us that the 24th session is the first session held after the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. “Women should join hands and struggle by not only writing but also raising awareness.”

Amna Al-Rumaili also stressed that “talking about the forbidden trinity is a revolution itself as the word itself has a dangerous concept, and that women should act together to break the barriers. She also emphasized that creative, educated, and liberated women can break gender stereotypes and barriers limiting them.