Women take to streets in Iran, Iraq, Federal Kurdistan Region

Women today took to the streets in Iran, Iraq and Federal Kurdistan Region to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Condemning the state-male violence, women protested so-called “honor killing” of women and girls.

News Center- Today, women came together in Iran’s Mariwan city, Iraq’s Basra city and in the Sulaymaniyah, Halabja and Duhok cities of Federal Kurdistan Region to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Women in Mariwan holding banners reading, “No to forced marriage”, “Yes to gender equality” and “We demand freedom” shouted slogans with the participation of many women activists.

Women in Sanandaj condemn femicide

Women of Iran’s Sanandaj city held a protest to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Men also shouted slogans to support the women. Women held banners reading, “We condemn femicide” and “Stop femicide”.

Joint protest from women of Sulaymaniyah

Women living in Sulaymaniyah held a joint protest led by Harîkarî Yasayî organization in the city today to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The women gathered at Hewarî Şar Park in the city. 30 non-governmental organizations and many activists attended the protest.

Women met in Halabja

Women living in Halabja held a seminar at Şehîdên Kîmyabaranê School (School of those who lost their lives in chemical attack) today and they discussed female genital mutilation (FGM), which is a common practice in the region.

Protest of women in Basra

Women living in the Basra city of Iraq took to the streets to protest violence against women. They demanded violence against women be ended and shouted slogans during the protest.