Women resisting in Sheikh Maqsood: We resist for freedom
Women, who waged a resistance against the Turkish state and its mercenaries in Aleppo’s Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood, say they resist for enjoying freedom. “Women should be in solidarity with each other to struggle against the patriarchal mentality.”

Aleppo- Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood of Aleppo is often mentioned for its resistance against the Turkish state and its mercenaries. The women of the neighborhood keep defending their liberated neighborhood.
NuJINHA spoke to some women living in the neighborhood about their resistance. Suad Hassan, who was displaced from Afrin to the neighborhood after Afrin was occupied by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions, told us that they had learned the real history of women from the ideology and philosophy of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan.
‘The people wanted freedom against darkness, slavery and unjust laws. They wanted to have free will. The revolution in Rojava is also known as women’s revolution because women led the revolution. Adapting the ideology and philosophy of leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan), women played an important role in the revolution. Women led the resistance in Aleppo’s Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood. Kongra Star member Gulê Selmo, who was martyred on March 13, 2012 in Sheikh Maqsood, is the first martyr of the neighborhood and now she is a symbol of the resistance in the neighborhood.”
‘Women began to participate in decision-making positions’
“During the revolution, women built barricades to protect their neighborhood,” Suad Hassan said, “As women, we proved ourselves by fighting mercenaries. Many organizations were founded in the neighborhood thanks to the resistance of residents. The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) was established. After the establishment of the co-presidential system, women began to participate in decision-making positions, politics, art, military and many others. This system allows women and men to enjoy the same rights.”
Suad Hassan also talked about the resistance of women when the neighborhood was attacked.
“The women of the neighborhood would cook for fighters. In addition, they fought to protect their neighborhood and treated the injured people. Mothers left their children at home to protect their neighborhood. Many revolutions were started all around the world; however, they failed because women did not lead them. The revolution started in Iran and Eastern Kurdistan is led by women chanting, ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’.”
‘Residents protected themselves’
Fatima Hassan, member of Kongra Star, is one of the women witnessing the resistance in Aleppo’s Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood.
“The residents of Allepo’s Sheikh Maqsood and Eshrefiye neighborhoods protected themselves. People from all ages resisted the attacks,” said Fatima Hassan, adding, “I have been involved in the Kurdish Women’s Freedom Movement for 40 years. The resistance and solidarity of the people were the key to success; they protected their neighborhood by joining the defense forces, cooking for fighters.”
‘We resist for freedom’
The women leading the resistance in the neighborhood also played an important role in the establishment of women’s organizations in the neighborhood. “We resisted, we have resisted to ensure freedom for women,” Fatima Hassan told us. Speaking about the resistance of the women in Iran and Eastern Kurdistan, she said, “Their resistance has influenced women all around the world. Women should be in solidarity with each other to struggle against the patriarchal mentality.”
‘The resistance of Kurdish women becomes a role model for Arab women’
Fatima Al-Hüseyin, member of the Syrian Democratic Council, is an Arab woman living in the Sheikh Maqsood. “The resistance of Kurdish women becomes a role model for Arab women,” she said, “Now, Arab women are more active in society, and they make their voices heard. After the liberation of the neighborhood, we opened schools to resist the patriarchal mentality that ignores women in all facets of life. We will keep resisting until we have a democratic, free and equal society.”