Women raise “voice” for gender equality in politics

SES (VOICE) Equality and Solidarity Association has launched an online project to emphasize that countries led by women can be fairer and based on gender equality. “Our aim is to ensure that women take an effective place in decision-making mechanisms in all areas. We ask women to reveal their own imaginations and to embody how a world led by women would be,” said Gülseren Onanç, the founding chairperson of the association while talking about the project called “#ÜlkemiBenYönetsem (if I govern my country)”.

News Center- SES Equality and Solidarity Association is known for its projects emphasizing gender inequality. The association has launched an online project called “#ÜlkemiBenYönetsem (if I govern my country)” on its website “sesdernegi.org” to underline that women should take a more active role in decision-making mechanisms. Women can visit their website and have a chance to freely share what they would change in the economy, politics, education, local governments if they were elected administrators in their own countries.

The project emphasizes that countries led by women can be fairer and based on gender equality. We talked to the association’s founding chairperson Gülseren Onanç about their project. She emphasized that they will continue to launch projects that support collective work, gender equality, and active citizenship.

Stories of successful women in countries during the pandemic inspire her

Gülseren Onanç stated that the success of the countries managed by women during the pandemic is a source of inspiration for her and she explained the aims of the project; “As SES Equality and Solidarity Association, yesterday we launched a new section called “# ÜlkemiBenYönetsem” on our website in order to reveal what a women-led country will be. Our aim is to ensure that women take an effective place in decision-making mechanisms in all areas. We ask women to reveal their own imaginations and to embody how a world led by women would be. There are female presidents or prime ministers only in 25 countries now. Women politicians have managed to overcome the difficulties of the pandemic successfully and exhibited exemplary leadership. We believe that a country and a world where women equally exist in politics and decision-making mechanisms are more livable.”