Women of Rojhilat demand unconditional release of Sharifeh Mohammadi
Women of Rojhilat have launched a social media campaign against the death sentence against labor activist Sharifeh Mohammadi, demanding her unconditional release. “The death sentence is not only against her but also all women defending freedom.”

Kermanshah- The death sentence against labor activist Sharifeh Mohammadi, who has been imprisoned in Lakan prison of Rasht, has kept sparking outrage all around the world. Amnesty International, labor unions in Italy, France and Denmark have condemned the death sentence against the activist and demanded the sentence be reversed.
Three women activists in Kermanshah, a city of Rojhilat Kurdistan have launched a social media campaign by using the “No to Death Sentence” hashtag, demanding the death sentence against Sharifeh Mohammadi be reversed and her unconditional release.
“The death sentence against Sharifeh Mohammadi is a sentence against all women defending freedom,” they said.
‘This unjust sentence must be reversed’
“The death sentence against Sharifeh Mohammadi shows the fear of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards the women's movement and labor activists,” said H.G., one of the activists. “As women of Kurdistan, we announce our support for Sharifeh Mohammadi and all women demanding freedom in Gilan province. This unfair sentence showing the scandal in Iran's judicial system should be reversed immediately and the labor activist should be released unconditionally.”
‘The death sentence is the government's revenge on the people of Gilan’
‘This death sentence given by an Iranian court is a political decision,” said B.K., another activist in Kermanshah. “According to human rights standards and principles, there should not be political prisoners anywhere. The right to peaceful protests and the right to freedom of expression should not be criminalized. The women of Gilan have always been victims of this non-independent and corrupt judicial system. The death sentence against Sharifeh Mohammadi is the government’s revenge on the people of Gilan for their participation in the ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’ uprising. As women of Kurdistan, we will always stand with the women of Gilan.”
‘The sentence is against all women defending freedom’
S.Z., an activist in Sanandaj, also condemned the death sentence against Sharifeh Mohammadi. “Sharifeh Mohammadi is not alone. We support her just like we took to the streets of Gilan, Kurdistan and Sistan and Baluchestan province to support the ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’ uprising. The death sentence against Sharifeh Mohammadi is not only against her but also all women defending freedom. We demand the death sentence against her be reversed and her unconditional release.”