Women of Raqqa condemn death sentence given to Fatima Saleh al-Arwali
Women of Raqqa condemn the death sentence given to human rights defender Fatima Saleh al-Arwali by the Houthis in Yemen and call on feminist movements to stop the execution.

Raqqa-On December 5, 2023, the Specialized Criminal Prosecution in Sanaa, controlled by the Houthis, sentenced to death Fatima Saleh al-Arwali, a human rights defender and the former head of the Yemen office of the Arab League's Union of Women Leaders. The women of Raqqa, a city in northeastern Syria, condemn the death sentence and call on feminist movements to unite in order to stop the execution.
“We were subjected to the most brutal torture and violations under the control of ISIS. Now, Yemeni women are subjected to the same brutal torture and violations,” said Buthaina Abdo, Spokesperson of the Zenubya Women's Community. “The Houthis have committed many crimes against women in Yemen. Since they took the control of Sanaa, 350 people have been sentenced to death amid international silence.”
‘We can see how the Turkish state and the Houthis have in common’
Recalling the death sentences given to two women and life imprisonment given to eight women in Afrin by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions, Buthaina Abdo said, “We can see how the Turkish state and the Houthis have in common. They are different sides of the same shield aiming to destroy freedoms and spread terror. They aim to spread fear among people longing for freedom and democracy. They commit war crimes that violate all international conventions.”
‘We should unite’
Buthaina Abdo called on all women to support Fatima Saleh al-Arwali. “We call on all women and feminist movements to unite in order to stop the execution of Fatima Saleh al-Arwali. The international community and human rights organizations must raise their voices to end the crimes committed against women in occupied territories or elsewhere.”
‘They try to break the will of women’
Kafya Kurdi, a member of the Zenubya Women's Community, condemned the death sentence given to Fatima Saleh al-Arwali. “The Turkish state and the Houthis carry out the same policies. Death sentences given to women show this. They try to break the will of women. They especially want to break the will of women, who reveal the truth and refuse injustice and marginalization. Despite the crimes committed against women in North and East Syria and Yemen, the international community remains silent. Their silence means that they approve of the crimes.”
‘We should be in solidarity’
Hasina Kamal, a member of the Zenubya Women's Community, thinks that the death sentence given to Fatima Saleh al-Arwali is “a crime against humanity and a shame for the whole world”. “All women’s organizations should unite and be in solidarity with each other to stop the execution, raise the voice of truth and reveal the truths.”
Call on the international community
Fawza Al-Hamoud, member of the Zenubya Women’s Community Education Committee, also condemned the death sentence given to Fatima Saleh al-Arwali. “The death penalty is a decision that contradicts international laws and conventions. As women of North and East Syria, we declare that we stand with Yemeni women and that we are in solidarity with them. We condemn the crimes committed against them. We call on the international community to stop the execution of the death penalty.”