Women of Lice: We will vote for ourselves, for the Green Left Party
Indicating that they will support the Green Left Party in the general elections on May 14, the women of Lice say, “No votes for anyone but ourselves.”

Amed- The presidential and parliamentary elections will be held in Türkiye on May 14, 2023. These elections will determine the fate of Türkiye. According to the research and surveys, the Kurdish people will play a decisive role in the election results. While political parties have speeded up their election campaigns, the Green Left Party aims to increase the number of its members of parliament in these elections. In the interview with NuJINHA, the women living in the Lice district of Amed (Diyarbakır) said they would vote for themselves, for the Green Left Party.
‘We cannot stand these atrocities anymore’
The Green Left Party had a gathering with the women of Lice as part of its election campaign. Participating in this gathering, Delal Zengin told NuJINHA, “I am a Kurdish woman and I will vote for myself. We want the end of the war. We will vote so that people do not die. Mothers should not cry anymore. We, as mothers, cannot stand these atrocities anymore. Erdoğan should go home and sit there. This massacre should end now. Many of our people were killed. We do not want these anymore. All nationalities are oppressed in this country. We demand peace not just for ourselves but also all nationalities living in this country.”
‘We will win the elections’
Rafika Nergiz told us that they knew for whom they would vote. “I have voted for myself (She means the Green Left Party) so far and I will never vote for anyone else. We have been oppressed for years. Our young people have disappeared, the prisons are over capacity now. We know ourselves and for whom we will vote for. We demand freedom for everyone and the release of prisoners. We will win the elections,” she said.
‘I will vote for the mountains of Kurdistan’
“I will vote for the mountains of Kurdistan,” Melike Kendal said, adding, “So much blood has been shed in these mountains. I will vote for myself, for the fighters and their fight. We will keep struggling with the slogan, ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’. The Kurdish people should unite to struggle together. If we do not unite, we will lose.”
"We will cast our votes to bring justice in our country,” Leyla Benice said, “We will vote for ourselves to bring justice in our country. Erdoğan has remained continually in power for 20 years. It is time for him to go. If Selahattin Demirtaş was out today, good things would happen. We will vote for ourselves because we demand our rights.”