Women of Amed get ready for upcoming elections with slogan, ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’
Women of Amed, who have been getting ready for the general election which is expected to be held in Türkiye on May 15, said, “We are strong and determined”. They also called on Kurdish people to unite.

Amed – As the general election, which is expected to be held in Türkiye on May 15, 2023, is approaching, the Labour and Freedom Alliance has already begun its election campaign. In Amed, women told NuJINHA that they would get ready for the elections with the slogan, “Jin, Jiyan, Azadi”. The women also stated that they would be ready for the elections, the International Women’s Day and Newroz.
‘Women should work hard’
Speaking about their efforts for the elections, the International Women’s Day and Newroz, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Kayapınar District Executive Seval Bilgin said, “We have already begun our election campaign. We have visited village by village. During our visits, we realize how our people miss us. We have good communication with people. We kicked off our election campaign with enthusiasm and hope. We will continue to work for the elections. We are very hopeful for the upcoming elections. These elections will be the elections of the century. We hold meetings with women. As the HDP, we have been getting ready for the elections by making great efforts. This century has a global slogan; it is ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’. Now, women chant this slogan to achieve their freedom. Women are aware of this critical process. Women face obstacles everywhere so they should work hard for the elections. We, of course, will win. This year will be the year of women.”
‘We make efforts street by street’
Meliha Cömert, spokesperson of the Green Left Party (Turkish: Yeşil Sol Parti) Sur district office, said, “We will win by joining hands. During our election campaign, we see how our people are waiting for us. We are excited and happy because we receive positive feedback from our people. Our alliance will be the winner of these elections. We began our election campaign in villages.”
‘The Kurdish people must strengthen their unity’
Fatma Taşlı, member of the Network for Kurdish Language and Culture, said, “We must visit home by home and street by street to introduce ourselves. The Kurdish alliance should be a strong alliance. The Kurdish people must strengthen their unity. If we do this, we will win the elections. Every Kurdish woman, every Kurdish mother must first organize her family, then her neighborhood and streets for elections. We will win by organizing, and we will continue to win. Success is ours; it belongs to the Kurdish people.”
‘The chaos created by the government must end’
Green Left Party Amed Provincial Co-Chair Ayşe Serra Bucak said, “The upcoming elections are undoubtedly very important for people demanding democracy, justice and equality. We want to defeat the AKP-MHP fascist bloc in the elections. We think the chaos created by them must end. The parties of the Labour and Freedom Alliance are aware of this and began their election campaign to end it. We are strong and determined to win the elections. We are going through a very important historical process in terms of Kurdish women and the Kurdish women's struggle. We are going through a process in which the voices of Kurdish women and all women demanding freedom in the world are heard more.”