Women of Afrin: Walls will not keep us away from Afrin
The Turkish state has established new borders by digging trenches and building walls from Serêkanîye, Girê Spî, Jarabulus and al-Bab to Afrin. “Walls will not keep us away from Afrin,” said displaced women of Afrin, who live in Shahba.

Shahba- The Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions occupied Afrin in 2018, Serêkaniyê (Ras al-Ayn) and Girê Spî (Tell Abyad) in 2019. Recently, the Turkish state has established new borders by digging trenches and building wails from Serêkanîye, Girê Spî, Jarabulus and al-Bab to Afrin.
‘Walls will not keep us away from Afrin’
The Turkish occupation in Afrin displaced thousands to Shahba. Displaced women of Afrin, who live in Shahba react to the establishment of new borders by the Turkish state. “The aim of the Turkish state is to divide Syria. We were forcibly displaced from Afrin six years ago and since then, we have resisted in Shahba. The Turkish state aims to break our resistance by building new borders; however, walls will not keep us away from Afrin. Afrin belongs to the people of Afrin, not to Erdoğan,” said Almaz Hiso, one of the displaced women of Afrin.
‘They cannot break our resistance by building new borders’
Zeyneb Xelil thinks that the Turkish state has established new borders in the occupied areas to break the resistance of the Kurdish people. “But they cannot break our resistance or annihilate us by building new borders. Afrin will be liberated by our resistance. We will strengthen our resistance against the walls of Erdoğan. The Syrian government should take a firm stand against the construction of walls.”
‘Our resistance will prevail’
Şêrîn Ehmed, another displaced woman of Afrin, stated that Erdoğan and his armed factions have no right to establish borders on their lands. “Human rights organizations should oppose the establishment of borders by the Turkish state. Afrin belongs to us and it will always belong to us. The Turkish state is an occupying state. It aims to keep us away from Afrin by building walls; however, Erdoğan’s dreams will never be realized. One day, our resistance will prevail and we will return to Afrin.”