‘Women have the power to solve all the problems in the Middle East’
“Women have the power to solve all the problems in the Middle East, particularly the problems faced by women,” said Siham Davut, Secretary General of the Future Syria Party.

Raqqa- As the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is approaching, NuJINHA spoke to Siham Davut, Secretary General of the Future Syria Party, about the Israel-Hamas war, the attacks of the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions on North and East Syria and the struggle of women for freedom. Siham Davut commented on the chaos suffered by the Middle East, “This is the Third World War.”
The 2003 invasion of Iraq started a new phase, Siham Davut said, “The war in Iraq changed many things. After the overthrow of the oppressive regime in Iraq, a war started across the Middle East. The Middle East entered a new phase with the start of clashes in Lebanon and Palestine and the Arab Spring in 2011.”
‘This war is actually a world war’
The war of states and regional powers started in the Middle East and it has gradually deepened, Siham Davut said. “This war is actually a world war because many states have plans and projects about this war. For instance, the Iranian regime aims to shape the Middle East by establishing the Shiite Crescent while the Turkish state aims to revive the Ottoman Empire with the flag of Sunni Islam. ‘The Greater Middle East’ is a project of the UN and western countries. The capitalists, who rule the system in the world, have been going through a crisis and they create chaos in the Middle East to overcome this crisis.”
Siham Davut thinks that the Russia-Ukraine war and the tension between China and Taiwan serves the economic interests of governments. “They want to open economic corridors from India to Israel and Europe, from Iran to Turkey and Europe. The attacks on North and East Syria and the Israel-Hamas war reveal this situation.”
‘The Turkish attacks on Syria deepens the crisis’
‘The people living in the Middle East are badly affected by these wars and conflicts. Kurds, Armenians, Circassians, Syriacs, Arabs and Turkmens suffer from these wars and conflicts. The people of Syria have suffered the most since 2011. The Turkish attacks on Syria deepens the crisis. Talks were held in Astana and Geneva. Meetings were held to redraft the Syrian Constitution. The United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254 was adopted; however, it has not been implemented.”
‘The people of NE Syria and Gaza experience the same thing’
Speaking about the silence of the international community and human rights organizations against the ongoing attacks on North and East Syria, she said, “The citizens of Syria are killed, women, especially in occupied areas are subjected to violence and rape. All these rights violations have been documented. The people of North and East Syria and Gaza experience the same thing.”
Siham Davut criticized the ongoing discussions of the UN and human rights organizations about opening a humanitarian corridor for Palestinians although the people of Gaza are under Israel airstrike for 48 days. “The people of Gaza and Israel are sacrificed for the interests of international powers. We are against all forms of violence, killing and massacre. The right to life must be defended. We believe that all problems can be solved through diplomacy and dialogue. We believe that the Israel and Palestine problem can be solved through diplomacy. This problem can be solved under the umbrella of the UN.”
‘The Jin, Jiyan, Azadi philosophy should be our lifestyle’
Siham Davut emphasized that women are the ones who pay the heaviest price in wars and conflicts. “The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is approaching. The Jin, Jiyan, Azadi philosophy should be the lifestyle for all women, especially women of North and East Syria. As women, we have the power to solve all the problems in the Middle East. Women have the power to eliminate gender-based violence if they unite. As the Future Syria Party, we want to build a democratic Syria. To build a democratic Syria, we will struggle more by chanting ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’.”