Women faces all kinds of exploitation based on skin color in Yemen
Women and girls are marginalized in society due to their dark skin color in Yemen; they are subjected to discrimination, exploitation and violence.

Yemen- Women with dark skin color in Yemen face many problems every day because they are subjected to discrimination and marginalization in society.
Not only women with dark skin color, but also children with dark skin color are subjected to attacks and violence in the labor force. “Girls are subjected to violence and harassment at school and in the streets because of their skin color,” said Nima Al-Nashiri. “We are subjected to insults everywhere because of our skin color. When we report such incidents to police, they do not launch any investigation. We are ignored and have no legitimate rights.”
Nima Al-Nashiri told us that women and girls with dark skin color were also subjected to violence by their relatives. “However, the perpetrators are often not arrested. Even if they are arrested, the family members drop the charges in fear of scandals.
‘They are paid less’
Ghadeer Al-Adani confirms that women and girls in Yemen suffer from all finds of discrimination and exploitation based on skin color. “They also subjected to sexual harassment and face difficulties in finding jobs. Even if they find a job, they are paid less than women having lighter skin color.”
‘Yemen needs a law combating discrimination against women’
She pointed to the lack of support to women and girls with dark skin color. “When they are subjected to violence or sexual assault, they receive no support. More awareness-raising activities must be carried out to support these women and girls. For instance, centers can be opened to provide support to them and give information about their rights. They can encourage them to continue their education. Yemen needs a law combating discrimination against women and protecting their rights.”