Women discuss femicide and women’s struggle

At a virtual panel entitled, “Unite to Stop Femicide- Ensure Justice for Everyone”, women discussed femicide, gender-based violence and the patriarchal system and the struggle against them.

News Center- The Jineology Academy, in cooperation with the Network Women Weaving the Future and the International Justice Initiative for Nagihan Akarsel, held a virtual panel entitled “Unite to Stop Femicide-Ensure Justice for Everyone” with the participation of many women all around the world.

Providing Turkish, Arabic, English, Spanish and French translations, the panel was moderated by Zilan Kurt. At the panel, Nagihan Akarsel, journalist, academic, member of Jineology Academy and editor-in-chief of Jineology Magazine who was killed by the Turkish state in Sulaymaniyah on October 4, 2022 and other women killed by the Turkish state, were commemorated.

Women participating in the panel discussed the increase in femicide cases all around the world and underlined that the real perpetrators went unpunished. Femicide, gender-based violence and the patriarchal system and the struggle against them were also discussed at the panel. The women also stressed that they aimed to raise awareness against the oppressive mechanisms, gender-based violence, colonialism, racism and nationalism supported by the nation-state system.