‘We can raise a generation contributing to the development of society’
Egyptian lawyer Nermin Issa says that women want to live in safer society without violence and that women can raise a generation contributing to the development of society.

Cairo- Egyptian psychological and trauma consultant Dr. Rasha Dergham thinks that the science of early childhood development does not attract social interest either in Egypt or other countries.
‘Children learn by imitating adults’
Noting that each child is special, she said, “They learn by imitating adults. They learn discrimination and racism from adults. First teachers of children are their parents. Parents should raise their children to contribute to the development of society. Our education system should provide awareness-raising forums and lectures and psychological support to children for reform in society.”
Early childhood experiences affect children’s views about women
Nermin Issa, member of the Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers, thinks that there is a major problem about raising children in various parts of Egypt. “Men in key decision-making positions were once children. They learned many things from adults. Their early childhood experiences affected their thoughts and views about women.”
‘Women want to live in a safer society’
Emphasizing that all women want is to live in a safer society without violence and discrimination, she said, “However, living in a safer society has become a dream for women because violent fathers impact children's social and emotional development.”
'We can raise a generation contributing to the development of society'
Nermin Issa added, “Schools and universities should provide psychological support to men. Awareness-raising activities must be carried out about the early childhood experiences. We can raise a generation contributing to the development of society and respecting women.”