Uprising in Iran enters its 88th day: Public anger grows
The people of Iran and Rojihilat continue to take to the streets. In the city of Javanrud, protesters wrote anti-regime slogans on the building of the governorate and the intelligence agency.

News Center- Despite oppression, torture, detention, arrest and executions, the people of Iran and Rojhilat continue to take to the streets to protest the regime. Yesterday, the Iranian authorities executed a young protester named Majidreza Rahnavard. On December 8, Iranian authorities executed a young protester named Mohsen Shekari.
Woman was subjected to torture
Today, the Iranian regime forces raided the home of Seifullah Hosseini, a teacher, by breaking the door and windows. The regime forces tortured her and her spouse while taking them into custody. Her hands have been reportedly broken by the regime forces.
Protesters gathered in front of the state buildings
After the detention of the teacher and her spouse, many people gathered in front of the state buildings in the city of Javanrud to demand their release. The protesters also wrote anti-regime slogans on the buildings of the governorate and the intelligence agency.
Executions spark anger
Yesterday, female university students held marches in Shiraz and Mashhad to protest the executions of the protesters. The university students keep taking to the streets to protest the regime. Yesterday, political prisoners held in Evin Prison published a letter demanding the end of executions.
According to the local sources, the number of activists who were detained and sentenced to death in many cities of Rojhilat Kurdistan, particularly in the town of Shino, has risen to six. The names of young people, who have been sentenced to death, are: Şehram Meruf Mula, Karwan Şahi Pervane, Reza İslam Dost, Hejar Hemidi, Ferzad and Ferhad Tahazade.
Despite oppression, torture, detention, arrest and executions, people keep taking to the streets in Iran and Rojhilat to protest the regime.