Statement from 51 university students’ groups against investigations: We will not give up!

Investigations have been opened against the students of the Middle East Technical University (METU) for painting the stairs of the university in rainbow colors. 51 university students’ groups issued a statement to criticize the investigations and said, “We will not give up protecting the stairs.”

News Center- The students of the Middle East Technical University (METU) painted the stairs of the university during the Gezi protests but the stairs were painted in gray by the university administration in previous months. The students painted the stairs again to protest the university administration. But the university administration painted the stairs in white and wrote ODTU (METU) on the stairs. In response, the students painted the stairs in rainbow colors again and wrote: “METU without trustee (referring to the appointed rector)”. Then the university administration again painted the stairs in gray. The stairs have been painted two times in two months by the university administration. 
Investigations against at least 45 students
Investigations have been reportedly opened against at least 45 students for painting the stairs. 51 university students’ groups issued a statement to criticize the investigations, “We have learned that and investigations have been opened against at least 45 students for protecting the Rainbow Stairs. While we have faced many problems during the pandemic and watched how our academic year has been ruined, the administration of the METU has covered the rainbow colors many times. And each time, we painted the stairs in rainbow colors. After the students painted the stairs last time, they set up tents to protect the colors. The trustee Verşan must have been so ambitious about the stairs that he gave an order to open investigations against at least 45 students. We have learned that five separate investigations have been opened against some of the 45 students. We, as the subjects of this school, do not accept these investigations and we protect the colors that you try to criminalize. We will not give up protecting the stairs.”