Soma Mohammadrezaei arrested in Sanandaj

Soma Mohammadrezaei, a Kurdish women's rights activist, was arrested and transferred to an unknown location by agents of the IRGC’s intelligence in Sanandaj on Monday.

News Center- Iran’s crackdown on women participating in activities and events held in Eastern Kurdistan (Iranian Kurdistan) to International Women’s Day, March 8, continues.

 Members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) raided the workplace of Soma Mohammadrezaei, a 38-year-old Kurdish women's rights activist, in Sanandaj on Monday and arrested her.

According to local sources, no one knows where she is held and she was arrested for her activism and participating in an event held in Sanandaj on International Women’s Day, March 8.

For a week, dozens of Kurdish women activists have been arrested in different cities of Eastern Kurdistan and transferred to the central detention centers in the cities of Kermashan, Saneh, and Urmia for participating in activities and events held on International Women’s Day.