Referral Guidance Center works for social change in Iraq
Established in Mosul and then opened branches in many cities of Iraq, the Referral Guidance Center works to solve the problems of groups facing social exclusion, including women, children and individuals with special needs.

Iraq- Established in Iraq’s Mosul city in 2019, the Referral Guidance Center aims to combat violence against women by carrying out awareness-raising activities. NuJINHA spoke to Shatha Al-Imam, director of the center, about the objectives and aims of the center.
After the center was established in Mosul as a project, branches of the center were opened in many cities of Iraq in a short time. “By making great efforts, we have achieved great success. We have branches in many cities in Iraq now,” Shatha Al-Imam said.
The aim is to change society
The target groups of the center are especially women and children so it carries out awareness-raising activities about domestic and online violence. “When we receive an application about domestic violence, we try to solve it. When we cannot find a solution, we direct the victims to the relevant organizations. Our center also provides support to individuals with special needs. The main aim of the center is to change society.”
‘Confidentiality is a central and integral part of the center’
“One of the aims of the center is to provide support to sexually abused women, who refuse to report sexual abuse to police,” said Wafaa Ahmed, the manager of the center. “Women do not report violence and sexual abuse against them due to customs and traditions in society. Our center is a non-profit and non-governmental organization and most of its employees are women. Therefore, women apply when they are subjected to violence. Confidentiality is a central and integral part of the center. We provide psychological, legal and financial support to women, children and individuals with special needs. When victims of violence apply to us, we do our best to support them and we follow their cases.”
‘We want to provide all kinds of opportunities to women’
Sarah Qazi, an employee of the center, also talked about the aims of the center.
“We work to help and support women who are subjected to violence and inhumane practices. Until now, many women victims of violence have applied to the center. Our aim is to build a culture protecting women and respecting women’s rights. We want to provide all kinds of opportunities to women.”