Reactions to death sentences, life imprisonment given to women in occupied Afrin
The death sentences given to two kidnapped women and life imprisonment given to eight others by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions in Afrin spark anger in North and East Syria.

Shahba- Afrin was occupied by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions on March 18, 2018. Since then, women living in Afrin have been subjected to many rights violations such as rape, kidnapping, torture and all forms of violence. Several days ago, a “court” set up by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions sentenced two kidnapped women to death and eight more to life imprisonment. Despite that, the international community keeps remaining silent. Displaced women of Afrin, who have lived in Shahba since 2018 think that the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions are encouraged by this silence.
‘Does the Turkish state have the right to judge?’
In her speech, Heyat Îbrahim, one of the displaced women of Afrin, condemned violations committed against women in the occupied Afrin. “The Turkish state is an occupying state. Does an occupying state have the right to judge women and impose a penalty on women? Women, who have been sentenced to death and life imprisonment, are Syrian women. The Syrian government should react to this decision. The Syrian government must protect its citizens; however, it remains silent like international human rights organizations,”Heyat Îbrahim said.
‘This silence should be broken now’
Hêvîn Mihemed also reacted to the penalties given to the kidnapped women in the occupied Afrin. “The Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions have committed rights violations since they occupied Afrin. Erdoğan held women captive and decided to judge them because he is afraid of women. Two women have been sentenced to death and eight others to life imprisonment. Afrin is part of Syrian territory and the Turkish state has no right to stay here. Women, who do not leave Afrin, face brutal practices. The silence against these brutal practices should be broken. We demand immediate release of these women.”
‘Erdoğan should be held responsible’
Hamîda Mihemed thinks that Turkey’s President Erdoğan should be held responsible for judging and imposing sentences on women in the occupied Afrin. “Since the occupation of Afrin, women and men have been subjected to many violations such as torture, kidnapping and attacks. International human rights organizations fail to do their duty in order to protect women’s rights and human rights in Afrin. Erdoğan attacks everywhere in Afrin. Erdoğan should be prosecuted for the crimes committed against women and men in the occupied Afrin.”