Protests in 10 cities: The killer of Deniz is your mafia state

People took to the streets in many cities to protest the attack on the building of the HDP and the killing of Deniz Poyraz. People of Diyarbakır, Mardin, Şırnak, Van, Hakkari, Muş, Bitlis, Ağrı, Erzurum and Iğdır condemned the attacks. Jailed female politicians made statements to condemn the attack, “We know the killers and abettors.”

News Center -People gathered in Diyarbakır’s Sanat Sokak to make a statement under the leadership of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Free Women’s Movement (TJA) and Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in order to protest the attack on the office of the HDP in Izmir and the killing of Deniz Poyraz in the attack. Police kept the mass under blockage for hours; the response of the people of Amed (Diyarbakır) to the police blockage was, “Where were you when the building of the HDP was set on fire when our friend Deniz Poyraz was killed? Do you remember now that you are the state? You are the killers of the Kurds, you are our enemies.” 

Shopkeepers supported the protesters

The citizens often shouted slogans such as, “HDP is people, people are here”, “Pressure cannot intimidate us”, “Prevent killers not people”. The mass marched to Gevran Avenue using back streets. When police told the protesters, “Shopkeepers uncomfortable with you, they demand us to disperse you”, the shopkeepers clapped hands to support the protesters.

“You will be written down in the darkest part of history”  

HDP MP Saliha Aydeniz reacted to the police blockage and said, “You will go but we will be always here. You will get used to hearing the name of Mr.Öcalan. Mr. Öcalan is the only hope for this country. The mass made a press statement in Kurdish and Turkish despite police blockage. “You are the enemies of the Kurdish people. You are fascist. The killer of Deniz is your mafia state. The killer of Deniz is the AKP-MHP coalition. Mr.Öcalan has been held under isolation for years. We don’t accept this inhuman attitude. Our resistance will continue until the isolation ends. You will pay the price. You will stand trial. You will be written down in the darkest part of history.”


Artuklu and Nusaybin offices of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) were on the watch all night long to protest the attack on the party office in Izmir and the murder of Deniz Poyraz. Dozens of HDP members joined the watch and turned on the light to show they were there. A banner reading “Deniz Poyraz is immortal” was hung on the building.

The party members continue to protest outside the party building.


People began to keep watch in the HDP provincial and district buildings. HDP members, Peace Mothers joined the watch kept in the party’s Cizre, İdil, Uludere, Güçlükonak and Beytüşşebap offices. People often shouted the “Deniz Poyraz is immortal” slogan.


People began to keep watch in the HDP provincial and district buildings in the Serhat region. People have kept watch in the buildings of HDP in Van, Hakkari, Muş, Bitlis, Ağrı, Erzurum and Iğdır provinces. People have often shouted slogans such as, “Deniz Poyraz is immortal”, “Shoulder to shoulder against fascism.”

Figen Yüksekdağ: We know the killers and abettors

Former HDP Co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ shared a post on her social media account about the attack on the office of the HDP in Izmir and the murder of Deniz Poyraz. “#DenizPoyraz, who was brutally murdered in our İzmir building is the rightfulness and innocence of peoples and women in Turkey. I express my condolences to her family, friends, and comrades. We know the killers and abettors, they will not go unpunished.”

Statement from female politicians: We condemn the attack

Jailed female politicians released a statement regarding the attack on the office of the HDP in Izmir and the murder of Deniz Poyraz through their lawyers. The statement was released under the name of Sebahat Tuncel, former Co-chair of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK). On behalf of the women standing trial in the HDP trial, we condemn the attack on our party. We remember our comrade Deniz Poyraz with respect. We express our condolences to her family, friends, and comrades. We know where these attacks against our party, the Kurdish people and Kurdish women came from. The discourses of the representatives of the monist, nationalist, gendered, religious, and fascist bloc that wants to bury the country in darkness, deepen the conflict among people and try to keep their power alive, paved the way for this attack. Standing against this attack means standing by peace, fraternity, democracy, and freedom. Women, Life, Freedom!”