Nida Salih condemns violence against child in Hasekê: We should raise awareness

Last month, a 13-year-old girl and a woman named F.Ş. were subjected to violence by men in Hasekê. The girl and woman were taken to a hospital but the girl is reportedly still in critical condition. Nida Salih, a member of the Kongreya Star Coordination in Hasekê, condemns the attacks, “We should carry out works to raise awareness of public against violence.”


Hasekê – The masculine mindset is waging war against nature and humanity. Throughout history, women have been tried to be confined to their homes and left weak. But women have been struggling against this patriarchal mindset even if they have to pay prices. A 13-year-old girl and a woman reportedly named F.Ş. were subjected to attacks by men in the Hesekê city of NE Syria. While the treatment of the woman and girl at Reca Hospital continues, Nida Salih, a member of the Kongreya Star Coordination in Hasekê, condemns the attacks.

“Attack on a 13-year-old girl shows the anger of this mindset against women”

When women’s struggle and will becomes stronger, the anger of the patriarchal system increases, Nida Salih said, “Women’s physical and mental existence is targeted. Globally, women are subjected to femicides and violence every day. Sovereign powers target society by killing women because they know free women can build an equal and free society; they know if they enslave women, they will enslave society. After the Revolution in Rojava, women have worked to change the mentality of society. But the patriarchal mindset doesn’t accept this. For this reason, its attacks on women increase. The attack on a 13-year-old girl shows the anger of this mindset against women.” Nida Salih told us the treatment of the girl continues at the hospital but she is still in critical condition.

“The attacks are against the Democratic Nation project”

Nida Salih reported that the girl and woman were subjected to attacks in August in Hesekê. “Women have taken part in every sphere of life to carry out the Democratic Nation project and rebuild society. But the sovereign powers target women and use all forms of violence against them in order to destroy this project and enslave society. This shows the enemy’s anger against women. Women and their will are targeted to enslave society. They target and kill women under the name of ‘honor’.”

“We should raise awareness of the public to have an equal and free society”

Nida Salih pointed out that they should raise awareness of the public in order to have an equal and free society, “We should educate our society more within the scope of Jineology. We can prevent femicides in this way. We can create a free society when we eliminate the patriarchal mindset. We are deeply saddened by the attack on the 13-year-old girl. People shouldn’t remain silent against this attack and accept this patriarchal mindset. We, as women, should raise awareness of the public to have an equal and free society.”