Narges Mansouri gets additional eight-year prison sentence

Narges Mansouri, a political prisoner imprisoned in Evin prison, has been sentenced again by a court to eight years in prison.

News Center- Narges Mansouri, a civil rights activist and member of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company imprisoned in Evin prison, has been sentenced again by a court to eight years in prison on political charges.

Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran sentenced Narges Mansouri to five years in prison on charges of “assembly and collusion against national security” and one year on charges of “propaganda against the regime.”

In 2022, Narges Mansouri, one of 14 women activists in Iran who signed in 2019 a letter calling for the resignation of Ali Khamenei, was arrested to serve her prison sentence.

In April 2023, she was temporarily released from Evin prison on bail to receive medical treatment. However, she was arrested again and transferred to Evin prison after undergoing a surgery.

In December 2023, she went on a hunger strike to protest an Iranian court's decision to issue an order to sell her mother's property.

In February 2024, she was sentenced again by Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court of Tehran to years in prison on the same charges.