Leyla Qehreman: We should unite under the umbrella of the Syrian Women's Union

Leyla Qehreman, Co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council, calls on Syrian women to unite under the umbrella of the Syrian Women’s Union, stressing that the women’s revolution developed in the light of Jineology.


Hasakah- Jineology, defined as women’s science by Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, has been embraced by women all around the world. Jineology has become the main subject of the workshops, panels and conferences organized by women, especially Kurdish women. At these events, women shedding light on women's history and reality through Jineology also discuss social problems and develop solutions.

On September 25-26, the Jineology Academy of North and East Syria held its second conference in the city of Hasakah, Jazira Canton of North and East Syria, with the motto, “Women's Wisdom is Updated by Jineology” with the participation of 300 delegates across North and East Syria. The conference gave women excitement and hope, said Leyla Qehreman, Co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council (Kurdish: Meclîsa Sûriya Demokratîk, MSD), emphasizing that the conference was important for the construction of the women’s revolution, also known as Rojava Revolution.

‘It has nourished and equipped itself with an ideological heritage dating back 40 years’

Jineology has raised the struggle with the ‘Jin jiyan azadi’ philosophy, attracting the attention of women all around the world, Leyla Qehreman said, indicating that Jineology has inspired all women around the world.

“The 2nd Conference of the Jineology Academy is of historical importance. The ongoing wars and the increase in femicide and crises paralyze society while the male-dominant system is stuck and cannot produce solutions to existing problems. The current system has monopolized knowledge, creating information pollution, distorting science and causing chaos. It aims to enslave society in the name of women. Despite this system, Jineology keeps developing projects and research that enlighten women and society and shed light on the history of women's knowledge and science. Jineology protects the color, language and consciousness of women, developing women’s self-defense. Jineology has a strong foundation that can develop an alternative perspective for all social problems because it has nourished and equipped itself with an ideological heritage dating back 40 years.”

‘It is the science of making life meaningful as a whole’

The women’s revolution or Rojava Revolution is important for the development of Jineology, Leyla Qehreman emphasized. “The development of Jineology is the achievement and success of societies. One of the main goals of Jineology is to ensure equality, democracy and unity in society. It is the science of making life meaningful as a whole. Like an ocean, Jineology waves to give hope to all women and humanity against all the ruling powers, the nationalist and patriarchal mindset that make life meaningless. Jineology is based on the ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’ philosophy. The women’s revolution in Rojava sees itself as a part of Jineology and feels responsible for its development.”

‘Women’s struggle in social spaces strengthens their self-defense’

Leyla Qehreman also said that the policies of the ruling powers aimed to prevent women’s political participation. “The absence of women in politics causes more serious problems. Jineology helps women find their lost roles in society, promoting women’s political participation. All women should improve themselves by giving importance to knowledge, politics and science. Women’s struggle in social spaces will strengthen their self-defense.

‘The current system is afraid of organized women’

‘As the Syrian Democratic Council, we receive significant support from Jineoloji in developing projects and studies about women's activities. The studies and research of jineology provide us, women, information and knowledge. Women are directly affected by the ongoing war, crisis and attacks in Syria. One of the reasons for the crisis suffered by society is that women are prevented from playing their important roles in society. Women’s political participation should be supported.”

At the end of her speech, Leyla Qehreman called on all women in Syria to “unite under the umbrella of the Syrian Women’s Union with all your feelings and thoughts. We should organize ourselves and produce solutions to all problems and be the source of inspiration for women’s movements around the world. We can break down this sovereign system if we struggle, organize ourselves and unite. The current system is afraid of organized women. The unity of the Syrian women will ensure free life and the development of democratic solutions to all problems experienced in Syria.”