Kurdish women in Norway: Release RJAK members

Kurdish women living in Norway demand the release of three RJAK members detained by the KDP forces.

News Center- Kurdistan Free Women's Movement (RJAK) members Xewla Mihemed Hesen, Ciwana Abdulbaqî, and Seyran Ehmed Hesen attended the commemoration event held in Shengal for the anniversary of the genocide against Yazidis by ISIS on August 3, 2014. After attending the commemoration, they returned to Hewlêr the capital of the Southern Kurdistan Region. The KDP forces detained them there on August 5. Kurdish women living in Norway issued a written statement and demand the KDP release detained women.

“The practices of the KDP are against humanity. As women from four parts of Kurdistan, we demand immediate release of three activist women,” the women say in the statement.