Kurdish activist Halide Dündar laid to rest
Kurdish activist Halide Dündar was laid to rest in Amed by her comrades.

Amed- Kurdish activist Halide Dündar, the manager of the Association of Revolutionary Democratic Women (Turkish: Devrimci Demokratik Kadınlar Derneği/DDKAD), died from heart failure at a hospital in Istanbul on July 3, 2023. She was taken to her homeland Amed (Diyarbakır) to be buried.
A funeral ceremony was held at Yeniköy Cemetery for her with the participation of Party of the Greens and the Left Future (Green Left Party) Amed Provincial Co-chair Pınar Sakık Tekin, members of the Free Women’s Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA), the Rosa Women’s Association, Eğitim-Sen (Teachers’ Union), the Platform of Kurdish Women, the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA), Republican People's Party (CHP) MP Sezgin Tanrıkulu and Kurdistan Socialist Party (PSK) Chair Bayram Bozyel.
Halide Dündar was sent off on an eternal journey on women’s shoulders. Then, her comrades made speeches about the struggle of Halide Dündar.
One of her comrades, Rahime Kesici said, “We spent 48 years together. Our first steps in revolutionism, social awareness and our goals have brought us here. I thank her on behalf of her friends. Long live the struggle of Kurdish women.”
In her speech, Methiye Azbay said that Halide Dündar made great efforts to support her people. “She had a big heart full of love; she loved her people, friends, family, children and many other people. Halide always stood by you when you went through a difficult time. She tried to make us smile despite the harshest conditions of the prison. She always smiled despite torture faced by her. Many lawsuits were filed against her because of her activism in the women's struggle. Despite everything, she never gave up and fought to the end.”
After the speeches, her friends, who had been held in the Diyarbakır No.5 Prison with her, left flowers on her grave.