KJAR member Deniz Derya: The ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadî’ revolution is the beginning of a new path
“Our goal is to have a democratic Iran, where everyone lives freely,” said Deniz Derya, coordinating member of the KJAR, stressing that the “Jin, Jiyan, Azadî” revolution is the beginning of a new path.

News Center- Women are at the forefront of the struggle for freedom in Iran despite the intensified repression of the regime. Although the Iranian regime uses the judiciary as a tool of repression and fear to control society, the people, particularly women, are determined to maintain their struggle for freedom.
NuJINHA interviewed Deniz Derya, coordinating member of the East Kurdistan Free Women Society (KJAR), about the recent situation in Iran and Rojhelat Kurdistan (Eastern Kurdistan or Iranian Kurdistan).
At the beginning of her speech, Deniz Derya drew attention to the struggle of Pakhshan Azizi, Verisheh (Warisha) Moradi, also known as Ciwana Sine, and Zeynab Jalalian, three Kurdish political prisoners in Iran. “They have shown exemplary resistance against the oppressive system.”
Deniz Derya thinks that the Iranian government attacks women out of fear because it knows that women play an important role in social change. “The death sentences handed down to Pakhshan Azizi, Warisha Moradi and other political prisoners show that the regime is afraid of revolutionary women.”
‘The family has become a ‘micro-state’ in Iran’
The Iranian regime, which has a patriarchal mindset, uses the institution of family, judiciary and social culture as tools to control women, stressed Deniz Derya. “The Iranian regime aims to oppress women by using its judicial system, the institution of family, tribes and ‘honor’. Due to this oppressive system, women are killed, subjected to all forms of violence and rape. Most of these crimes are not reported. Actually, the family has become a ‘micro-state’ in Iran to oppress women.”
PJAK and KJAR fight inequality
The Kurdistan Free Life Party (Kurdish: Partiya Jiyana Azad a Kurdistanê, PJAK) and the East Kurdistan Free Women Society (KJAR) fight inequality and oppression, Deniz Derya said. “The oppressive policies of the Iranian regime target all people demanding freedom. The struggle against the nation-state system is a global struggle. As PJAK and KJAR, we always struggle against centralism and patriarchy. Our aim is to build a system based on freedom and justice with the participation of all people.”
‘The Iranian regime has intensified its oppressive policies’
Deniz Derya defined the recent conflicts and wars in the Middle East and said, “The Third World War has affected all countries in the Middle East, causing systemic crises in Iran. The Iranian regime has intensified its oppressive policies instead of finding a solution to the economic crisis, social and cultural problems.”
‘The ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadî’ revolution is the beginning of a new path’
Deniz Derya believes that the “Jin, Jiyan, Azadî’ revolution is the beginning of a new path. “This revolution is not only an uprising but also a way to change society and get rid of the oppressive nation-state system.”
Deniz Derya concluded her speech saying, “The KJAR and the PJAK will keep struggling to build a democratic nation based on freedom and equality. Our goal is to have a democratic Iran, where everyone lives freely. If the Iranian regime does not follow this path, it will definitely collapse.”