‘Join us and do not remain silent’ say human rights defenders receiving threats in Idlib
Women struggling for their rights and freedoms in Idlib face oppression, obstruction and threats. “Despite everything, we will never take a step back from our struggle,” they say, calling on people to join them.

Idlib- Women and girls are subjected to all forms of violence in the city of Idlib, controlled by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). The members of the HTS and the Turkish forces restrict women's rights and freedoms in all facets of life spreading hate speech against women by using religion.
Despite everything, women in the city keep struggling for their rights and freedoms. However, they face oppression, obstruction and threats.
‘They think women go to extremes’
Activist Amina Al-Nur is one of the women struggling for women’s rights in the region. She makes great efforts to support women, especially displaced women. “Many men underestimate the role of women. They believe that women should only stay at home. The conservative environment and some traditions are obstacles for women,” Amina al-Nur told NuJINHA, stressing that many women participating in public life face difficulties due to gender roles and some strict rules. “Men in our society think women go to extremes when women talk about their rights to participate in public and political life. Women struggling for their rights face threats. Some women activists receive threats from armed groups.”
‘Threats will not make me step back’
“I have received many threats because I defend women's rights,” said activist Rana Junaid. “But threats will not make me step back. Since we are prevented from holding public meetings, we hold virtual workshops to educate women about their rights. Now, we use technology as a tool to convey our message and reach more women.”
Rana Junaid pointed to the clashes and attacks in Idlib and that “Women activists face challenges to work freely. So, they use the internet to reach more women.”
‘We always try to find alternative solutions’
Activist Samira Dahlan works to educate women about their political and legal rights. However, she has received many threats many times. “Despite everything, I keep working for women’s rights. I call on everyone to join us and do not remain silent. Many men believe that women are not capable of holding decision-making positions. As women, we prove every day that we are capable of holding decision-making positions. Local leaders refuse to allow women to hold decision-making positions and try to prevent women. Despite everything, we always try to find alternative solutions.”