Jailed politician Sebahat Tuncel: End discussions and take action
Jailed Kurdish politician Sebahat Tuncel sent a message about the upcoming elections in Turkiye through her lawyers. “End discussions and take action,” she said in the message.
Ankara- Kurdish politician Sebahat Tuncel, who has been held in Sincan Women’s Prison, sent a message about the upcoming elections in Turkiye through her lawyers. Pointing to the importance of the elections, she said in the message that everyone must unite.
Her message is as follows:
“Hello everyone, every election is, of course, important but these elections (The elections to be held in Turkiye on May 14) are critical elections for the politics in Turkiye. Everyone should know this and act according to this. Especially we, socialists, should know this. In this process, there is no me but we, no one but all, we should be unifying, not polarizing. Our responsibility is to embrace an understanding based on freedom and equality not an understanding based on sexism, nationalism and religion. While there are less than 40 days for the elections, everyone should end discussions and take actions. The HDP (Peoples’ Democratic Party) is our party, the Green Left Party is our party, EMEP (Labour Party) is our party and the TİP (Workers’ Party of Turkey) is our party! We will build life together… I once again send my best wishes to the Labour and Freedom Alliance. I believe we will win! Jin Jiyan Azadi!”