‘Happy May Day to women fighting for freedom’
“Happy May Day to working women fighting for freedom,” said displaced women living in North and East Syria.

Hasakah- Many activities and events have been held all around the world to celebrate the International Workers’ Day, also known as Labor Day or May Day, annually observed on May 1. Women, who were displaced from Serêkaniyê (Ras al-Ayn) by the Turkish state and live in the Til Temir (Tell Tamer) town of Jazira Canton, wish a happy May Day to all workers.
‘Women have been fighting for their existence’
Sena Hemûd, one of the displaced women of Serêkaniyê, wished a happy May Day to all workers and said, “We were displaced but never gave up. We always resist. Women fought and won in the most difficult times thanks to leader Abdullah Öcalan. The siege and economic crisis in the region affect women the most. Despite everything, women do not remain silent and resign their fate; they have been fighting for their existence.”
Sena Hemûd wished a happy May Day to “all women working in factories and agriculture, the women fighting for freedom. We demand the end of the Turkish occupation in Afrin, Serêkanîyê and Girê Spî (Tell Abyad). We call on the international community and human rights organizations to end the Turkish occupation. We also demand the release of women, who are held in occupiers’ prisons. We hope May Day will end the occupation so that women have a safe life.”
‘Women are the greatest workers of this country’
Nadiya Misto, a displaced woman from Erisha village of Serekaniye, also wished a happy May Day to all women workers and said, “Women are the greatest workers of this country. They are affected by the ongoing war, conflicts and crises. They were forced to leave their homes, their cities, their trees and memories. They lost their children.”
Pointing to the reports and statements released by the United Nations (UN) and the US Department of State about the rights violations faced by women in the occupied areas, Nadiye Misto said, “Releasing statements are insufficient to solve the problems faced by the displaced women or to guarantee their safe return to their homeland. We demand the end of the Turkish occupation in our homeland and a safe environment for women. On the occasion of May Day, I call on all women to demand their rights so that we can build peace in our cities and have a life without occupation.”