Awareness-raising activities against gender-based violence in Egypt
As part of the 16-day activism campaign against gender-based violence, many activities have been held in Egypt.

Cairo- Trauma, depression, anxiety or panic attacks are among the consequences of violence against women. As part of the global 16-day activism campaign against gender-based violence, Egyptian women’s organizations have organized awareness-raising activities to eliminate violence against women.
NuJINHA spoke to women activists about awareness-raising activities in Upper Egypt.
The Ana Masry Organization for Training and Development in Qena, a city in Upper Egypt, is one of the organizations providing psychological, legal and financial support to survivors of gender-based violence. Asma Sayed, member of the organization, told us that one of the most important consequences of gender-based violence in Upper Egypt is loss of confidence and constant fear. “Women do not report violence against them due to social reactions. Women are held responsible for violence against them. Most survivors of violence remain silent in fear of being stigmatized. I met several girls, who had been assaulted or harassed on public transportation. Some of them could not go out for a while for fear that the same thing would happen again.”
‘Our activities aim to build up their self-confidence’
Asma Sayed called on all survivors of gender-based violence to speak out. “They should not accept violence. The spaces of women and girls are constantly violated. Awareness should be raised on gender-based violence. As the organization, we have carried out many activities to raise awareness in Upper Egypt. Our activities aim to build up self-confidence of survivors of violence. Awareness-raising activities are important for survivors of violence not to remain silent.”
‘Girl survivors of violence should be listened to’
Yusra Abdel Salam is a psychologist providing psychological support to refugee children in Upper Egypt. She thinks that the most important thing that affects families in the future is violence against girls at an early age. “Because they blame themselves and this can lead to suicide. Girls survivors of violence should be listened to by their parents. Their parents should believe in their daughters. Psychological and legal support should be provided to girls survivors of violence.”
Yusra Abdel Salam talked about the story of two sisters, who were sexually assaulted by their teacher. “They did not understand what had happened to them. They were 16 years old and afraid of telling their family what had happened to them. For a year, they suffered from trauma, depression, anxiety or panic attacks until one of them told their mother what had happened to them. Their family did not want to report the incident until they received psychological support. After they filed a criminal complaint against the teacher, the teacher was arrested and then sentenced to seven years in prison. Now, the sisters feel better.”